Security Reminders: Hardware & Social Security Numbers

Hardware Changes

CIRS operates within IBM’s Time Sharing Option (TSO3) environment on the State Controller’s Office (SCO) computer located at the​ California Department Of Technology.  Therefore, the SCO must be advised of and approve changes to the telecommunication environment used to access the SCO’s computer.  This includes, but is not limited to:

    • Changes to Local Area Networks that impact the users IP address

Social Security Numbers

This is a reminder to not email or fax information that contains social security numbers.  This applies both to the dissemination of data on campus or to Chancellors Office. This information is extremely sensitive and you are responsible for the security of the data. Social security numbers should never be placed in Common Library members.   

If you need to provide social security numbers to our office, please contact us directly.

Last Updated: February 15, 2024