
New Request (F2)

The F2 key is used to create new report requests.  For information on the FOCUS reporting language, refer to your FOCUS documentation.  

    • ​To create a new report request in your personal library, press the F2 key while your personal library is displayed.   
    • To create a new report request in the common library, press the F2 key while the common library is displayed. 

F1=Status  F2=New   F3=Exit    F4=Locate    F5=Sort      F6=Swap Lib

F7=Up      F8=Down  F9=Search  F10=Results  F11=HoldFile F12=Extract

At the New Report Request menu, type the name (1 - 8 characters) and press the enter key.   


|---------- New Report Request ----------|


|                  OR                    |


|                                        |

|          NAME: ________                |


    • Names cannot begin with numbers or special characters.
    • If you type the name of a report request that already exists, you will receive that member in edit mode.  
    • If you leave the name blank and press the enter key, you will receive the file selection menu to enter the online FOCUS environment.  Refer to the topic:  Executing Rep​​orts Online for more information.​

Personal Library

When a new member is created in your library, you will receive a blank report request as shown below.  Press the tab key four times to position the cursor in the area for typing FOCUS commands.  After all the commands are typed, press the enter key to number the lines, convert the characters to upper case, and to eliminate unused lines.  Press F3 to save and exit.  


EDIT       PD.CSUCFOC.UUSER(NEWHIRES) - 01.01    Columns 00001 00072

Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> PAGE

****** ********************* Top of Data ***************************

'''''' (type FOCUS commands here)

'''''' (type FOCUS commands here)

'''''' (type FOCUS commands here)

'''''' (type FOCUS commands here)

    • ​​Do not type in the prefix area (noted by the characters: ' ' ' ' ' ').
    • Up to 72 characters can be typed on each line.​
    • Use the tab key to navigate from line to line.
    • If the first line of the report request is a comment line, that line displays as the description in your personal library.  If the first line is not a comment, the description displays in your library as NO DESCRIPTION FOUND. 

Common Library

When a new member is created in the common library, four lines are automatically added as shown below.  Use your line edit command​s and/or command line entries to add lines.  For information on editing, refer to the topic: Edit Report Requests.  After all the commands are entered, press F3 to save and exit.


EDIT      PD.CSUCFOC.COMMON(NEWHIRES) - 01.01    Columns 00001 00072

Command ===>                                        Scroll ===> PAGE

****** ********************* Top of Data ***************************

000001 -* (TYPE ONE LINE DESCRIPTION HERE)          

000002 -* OWNER USERID: UUSER     CREATED 2003/11/19

000003 -************************************************************

000004 -*

****** ********************Bottom of Data **************************​

    • ​​Type over the text on line 000001 to provide your own description.
    • Do not modify or delete the owner statement on line 000002.  
    • Up to 72 characters can be typed on each line.
    • Use the tab key to navigate from line to line.
    • Members in the common library without an owner statement, and those not listed in the common library member named: AAINDEX, will be automatically deleted at the end of each calendar month.  For more information, refer to the topic:  Common Library​.​

Last Updated: February 19, 2024