
Batch Report Versus Hold Files

When you generate CIRS ad hoc reports, you can save the output to your batch report file or to one of your hold files (PERMLRG, PERMSML, PERMRPT) so the data can be edited, printed and/or downloaded.  The recommended uses, differences, and the methods for creating the files are discussed below. 

Batch Report File

We recommend using a batch report file if you are creating large reports, if you need to edit the result before printing, or when you want to download a report (including the headings, footings and column-titles) to Word.   We do not recommended downloading your batch report file into Excel because it is not formatted for easy importation to a spreadsheet.


Sample Batch Report File


COMMAND ===>                                      SCROLL ===> PAGE

000151 0 NUMBER OF RECORDS IN TABLE=  10   LINES   10          


000153 1 PAGE    1                                             


000155       ACTIVE/ONLEAVE POSITIONS AS OF 06/24/2005         


000157   EMPLOYEE            CLASS     FTE        SALARY

000158   --------            -----     ---        ------

000159   BEAR, PAUL          2354     .400      $1,064.00

000160   COUGAR, CHRIS       2358     .400      $2,654.40

000161   FROG, VIRGINIA      2355     .250        $227.25

000162   LLAMA, WILLIAM      0440    1.000      $3,121.00

000163   NEWT, KATHY         3306    1.000      $9,563.00

    • To create a batch report file, submit a request (intended for printing purposes) using batch execution and direct the output to the report file at the file confirmation panel.   If your file confirmation screen is turned off, your results will be automatically directed to your batch report file.  
    • The resulting batch report file can be accessed by pressing the F10 key from the main ad hoc reporting menu.
    • Batch report files contain the approximate system cost, all FOCUS commands executed, and the generated report.  
    • ​Data in the batch report file is available for 60 days, or until it is overlaid.  


We recommend using hold files to save data for further processing in multi-step reports, and for downloading data to Excel.  You have 3 hold files available for your use.  The size of each file is specific to its owner, but in general, the PERMSML file can hold an amount of data equivalent to the Active Current Status (AC) file and the other files, PERMLRG and PERMRPT can hold larger amounts of data.  Unlike a batch report file, your hold file will contain only the resulting data.


Sample Hold File PERMLRG In Lotus Format



COMMAND ===>                                  SCROLL ===> PAGE

************************ TOP OF DATA *************************

”R;BEAR, PAUL                   ”R;,”R;2354”,    .400,    1064.00

”R;COUGAR, CHRIS                ”R;,”2358”,    .400,    2654.40

”R;FROG, VIRGINIA               ”R;,”R;2355”,    .250,     227.25

”R;LLAMA, WILLIAM               ”R;,”0440”,   1.000,    3121.00

”R;NEWT, KATHY                  ”R;,”R;3306”,   1.000,    9563.00

    • To create a hold file, include the command ON TABLE HOLD AS PERM___ before the END command in your report request and execute the report to populate your hold file.  If your hold file will be downloaded, add the command FORMAT LOTUS or FORMAT TABT.  For more information, refer to the topic:  Creating Hold Files For Downloading.​
    • Your report request can be executed in the online or batch environment.  With either execution method, the resulting data will be routed to the specified hold file.
    • The resulting hold file can be accessed by pressing the F11 key from the main ad hoc reporting menu.
    • ​Data in the hold file is available for 60 days, or until it is overlaid.  

Last Updated: February 20, 2024