001 | Less than 9 Month Salary Contract | |
002 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | Below $30,000 |
003 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | $30,000 – 39,000 |
004 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | $40,000 – 49,000 |
005 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | $50,000 – 64,999 |
006 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | $65,000 – 79,999 |
007 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | $80,000 – 99,999 |
008 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | $100,000 & above |
009 | 9/10 Month Salary Contract | Total |
010 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | Below $30,000 |
011 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | $30,000 – 39,000 |
012 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | $40,000 – 49,000 |
013 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | $50,000 – 64,999 |
014 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | $65,000 – 79,999 |
015 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | $80,000 – 99,999 |
016 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | $100,000 & above |
017 | 11/12 Month Salary Contract | Total |
018 | Part H Total | |
019 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | Below $30,000 |
020 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | $30,000 – 39,000 |
021 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | $40,000 – 49,000 |
022 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | $50,000 – 64,999 |
023 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | $65,000 – 79,999 |
024 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | $80,000 – 99,999 |
025 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | $100,000 & above |
026 | Executive/Administrative, and Managerial | Total |
035 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | Below $30,000 |
036 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | $30,000 – 39,000 |
037 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | $40,000 – 49,000 |
038 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | $50,000 – 64,999 |
039 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | $65,000 – 79,999 |
040 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | $80,000 – 99,999 |
041 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | $100,000 & above |
042 | Other Professionals (Support/Serv) | Total |
043 | Technical/Paraprofessional | Below $20,000 |
044 | Technical/Paraprofessional | $20,000 – 29,999 |
045 | Technical/Paraprofessional | $30,000 – 39,999 |
046 | Technical/Paraprofessional | $40,000 – 49,999 |
047 | Technical/Paraprofessional | $50,000 and above |
048 | Technical/Paraprofessional | Total |
049 | Clerical/Secretarial | Below $20,000 |
050 | Clerical/Secretarial | $20,000 – 29,999 |
051 | Clerical/Secretarial | $30,000 – 39,999 |
052 | Clerical/Secretarial | $40,000 – 49,999 |
053 | Clerical/Secretarial | $50,000 and above |
054 | Clerical/Secretarial | Total |
055 | Skilled Crafts | Below $20,000 |
056 | Skilled Crafts | $20,000 – 29,999 |
057 | Skilled Crafts | $30,000 – 39,999 |
058 | Skilled Crafts | $40,000 – 49,999 |
059 | Skilled Crafts | $50,000 and above |
060 | Skilled Crafts | Total |
061 | Service/Maintenance | Below $20,000 |
062 | Service/Maintenance | $20,000 – 29,999 |
063 | Service/Maintenance | $30,000 – 39,999 |
064 | Service/Maintenance | $40,000 – 49,999 |
065 | Service/Maintenance | $50,000 and above |
066 | Service/Maintenance | Total |
067 | Grand Total Full-Time Employees | |
068 | Part-Time Employees | Fac (Inst/Rch/Pub) |
069 | Part-Time Employees | Instr/Rch Ast |
070 | Part-Time Employees | Exec/Admin/Mgr |
071 | Part-Time Employees | Other Profes |
072 | Part-Time Employees | Tech Para Prf |
073 | Part-Time Employees | Clerical/Secy |
074 | Part-Time Employees | Skilled Craft |
075 | Part-Time Employees | Service Main |
076 | Part-Time Employees | Total |
077 | Full-Time and Part-Time Employees | Grand Total |
078 | Faculty with Tenure | Professors |
079 | Faculty with Tenure | Assoc Professors |
080 | Faculty with Tenure | Assist Professors |
081 | Faculty with Tenure | Instructors |
082 | Faculty with Tenure | Lecturers |
083 | Faculty with Tenure | Other Faculty |
084 | Faculty with Tenure | Total |
085 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Professors |
086 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Assoc Professors |
087 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Assist Professors |
088 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Instructors |
089 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Lecturers |
090 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Other Faculty |
091 | Non-Tenured Faculty (On Tenure Track) | Total |
092 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Professors |
093 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Assoc Professors |
094 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Assist Professors |
095 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Instructors |
096 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Lecturers |
097 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Other Faculty |
098 | Non-Tenured Faculty (Not on Tenure Track) | Total |
099 | Total Faculty | |
100 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Tenured |
101 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Non-Tenured Track |
102 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Non-Ten No Track |
103 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Exec/Admin/Mgr |
105 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Other Prfs |
106 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Tech Para Prf |
| New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Clerical/Secy |
| New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Skilled Crafts |
109 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Service/Main |
110 | New Hires (Full-Time Between 1 July and 30 Sept.) | Total