Add Employes to SNOS

The SNOS main menu is illustrated below.  To add employees that were not included in the report, type an A at the option line and press the enter key.  To exit the SNOS main menu, press the F3 key.  


                   THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY                    

                 CAMPUS INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM                  

                    SENIORITY POINT ONLINE SYSTEM                


- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - -   

                 SELECT OPTION: A                               


                   C - CHANGE/INACTIVATE EMPLOYEES BY GROUP           

                   B - CHANGE/INACTIVATE EMPLOYEES BY SSN             

                   A - ADD EMPLOYEES           

                   D - DELETE EMPLOYEES            


                  F3 - EXIT APPLICATION     


The screen below is displayed when Option A is selected from the SNOS main menu.  Enter an SSN (without dashes) and press the enter key to receive the update screen.  


                    THE CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY                   

                  CAMPUS INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SYSTEM                 

                     SENIORITY POINT ONLINE SYSTEM                    


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - -    


           ENTER SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _____________                 

                 (WITHOUT DASHES)                                   


                        LEAVE BLANK TO EXIT​


The screen for adding employees is shown below.  If the employee does not exist, an A is generated on the action line.  After all of the information is entered for the employee press the enter key.  The employee record is now added to the file.  If at any time during an ADD and before the enter key is pressed you decide not to add the employee, use the TAB key to the action line, enter an X and press the enter key.  This cancels the add and the employee record is not added to the file.  To delete an employee record after the enter key is pressed, refer to the instructions for Option D - Delete Employees.


SN06                SENIORITY POINT ONLINE SYSTEM                        

CAMPUS:  00               CALCULATION DATE: 9612    LAST CHANGED:  970110

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ACTION: A  A FOR ADD,  X FOR CANCEL ADD                                 

 555-55-5555  NAME:                             ROLL-UP POINTS:     .0000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


       ID   CODE   NOTE  CODE  POINTS      POINTS       POINTS       NOTE


 1                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

 2                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

 3                               .0000       .0000       .0000        


If the employee you are adding already exists, the message THE EMPLOYEE EXISTS.  IF INACTIVE, A CHANGE ACTION WILL ACTIVATE will display at the bottom of the screen.  

The action field is set to C and your options are now C For Change and N for No Change.  If the action is changed to N and the employees record is inactive, the record will remain inactive.


SN06                SENIORITY POINT ONLINE SYSTEM                        

CAMPUS:  00               CALCULATION DATE: 9612    LAST CHANGED:  970110

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 ACTION: C  C FOR CHANGE, N FOR NO CHANGE                              

 555-55-5555  NAME: FORREST, KELLY              ROLL-UP POINTS:     .0000

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


       ID   CODE   NOTE  CODE  POINTS      POINTS       POINTS       NOTE


 1    R09   1578    C     I   105.0000       .0000    105.0000           

 2    R07   1129          I    49.0000       .0000     48.0000           

 3    R07   1071    E     I    14.0000     -4.0000     18.0000   WAS E -4

 4    R07   1124    B     A    17.0000      4.0000     17.0000   WAS ''+4

 5                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

 6                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

 7                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

 8                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

 9                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

10                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

11                               .0000       .0000       .0000           

12                               .0000       .0000       .0000           


Last Updated: April 11, 2024