
Earnings ID

The term 'Earnings Id' has different definitions depending on the reference, so it often leads to confusion.  Here's some clarification:​​

    • In CIRS, the field Earnings Id (XX:EARNID1) identifies the type of premium pay, if the payment type is 8.  Note: The fields XX:EARNID2 and XX:EARNID3 are not in use at this time.
    • ​The State Controller's Office defines earnings id as "a unique number or letter, or set of numbers and/or letters up to 4 characters, that identify a specific type of pay." There are literally hundreds of earning id's, used to issue and identify miscellaneous payments such as premium pay, awards/bonuses and special payments. For a complete list, refer to the CSU Established Earnin​gs Ids on the Systemwide HR website.  For example, here are some common miscellaneous payments used by the CSU.  Notice that only the premium pays (payment type = 8) have an associated earnings id in CIRS.  ​


Miscellaneous Payment and Earnings Id



Payment Type



Payment Suffix



Earnings Id


Automobile Allowance (8CAR)8 8CAR
Budget Shortfall Mitigation Bonus (GY)GY 
CSU Lump Sum  (SB)SB 
Excess Hours (9F)9F 
Performance/Merit Bonus (S6)S6 
P.O.S.T. Advanced Stipend (8ST8)8 

To identify miscellaneous payments in CIRS, you must determine if it's a premium pay (payment type = 8) or some other miscellaneous payment. If it's a premium payment, then your report request will need to screen on Payment Type (XX:PAYMETYP) and Earnings Id (XX:EARNID1). 

For example, to identify an Automobile Allowance:

    •  ​WHERE (XX:PAYMETYP EQ '8') and (XX:EARNID1 EQ '8CAR')

If it's some other type of miscellaneous payment (i.e., award/bonus or special pay), then your report request will need to screen on Payment Type (XX:PAYMETYP) and Payment Type Suffix (XX:PAYTYPSF). 

For example, to identify a Budget Shortfall Mitigation Bonus:


Last Updated: February 27, 2024