Items 635/636 - Lump Sum/Unit Serial

The Reporting Unit and/or Serial Number from which a lump sum payment is to be made when other than the employee's regular Position Number reflected in Items 121 and 123. This payment corresponds to that information entered in Lump Sum To Be Paid (Item 621) for vacation and/or extra hours.



The Reporting Unit and/or Serial Number from which payment is to be made.


Click here for example.




  1. Lump Sum Unit/Serial must be entered for each type of payment to be made – vacation or extra hours. Lump sum payments may not be paid from more than one Reporting Unit/Serial Number.

  2. When requesting lump sum payment from an A60 transaction, the unit and serial number MUST be completed, even if payment is to be made from the employee’s regular position. If no entry is made, the lump sum payment will not issue.

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Last Updated: October 1, 1997