Item 714 - Recruitment Location

This data element consists of two components: Type and FICE Code, that describe the employee's educational background. This item must only be entered for FULL TIME faculty (AY).

TYPE - One or two-character code indicating the type of agency or institution at which the employee was previously employed.

FICE CODE - The six-character Federal Interagency Committee of Education (FICE) code that represents the institution of higher learning at which the employee previously worked. FICE codes for institutions in the U.S. are listed in the Educational Directory. For U.S. institutions that are not listed in the Educational Directory, use code 888888. For foreign institutions, use code 999999.




Enter the most appropriate type code as listed below. When applicable, the FICE Code must also be entered.

Academic or Academic-Administrative Position (FICE Code must be entered)

1 = A CSU campus (including the same campus)

2 = University of California

3 = California private institution

4 = California junior college

5 = Other U.S. public institution

6 = Other U.S. private institution

7 = Foreign institution

Other Employment or Activity (No FICE Code required)

8 = Graduate study (regardless of where pursued)

9 = Elementary or secondary education

10 = Industry or private practice

11 = Research or service agency

12 = Government

13 = Other

14 = Unknown



To indicate University of California and the FICE code, enter: 2 001312



More Info:

Enter the most appropriate agency type code. When applicable, the FICE code must be entered.



Last Updated: October 1, 1997