Correcting A Transaction
A corrected transaction is an adjustment of one or more items on an employee’s employment history record. The adjustment may add, change, or delete specific data items on a transaction. To correct the effective date and/or transaction code, see Voiding A Transaction below.
Enter the same transaction code as the transaction to be corrected, followed by the suffix ’C’. Example: AxxC
Enter the same effective date as the transaction to be corrected.
A – F
Refer to the appropriate Required/Conditional matrix. Complete only those items that need correcting. Complete each item in its entirety. To delete information that is not valid, enter an asterisk (*) in the item(s).
Lines G1/G2
Complete only those items that need correcting. To delete information that is not valid, enter the item number and an asterisk (*). Example: 810 *
Enter the Corrected Transaction Identifier, using the position number as it appears on the EHDB record for the transaction you are correcting.
Line H
Complete the Appointing Power Signature, Date, and the reason for the correction. If an audit message is received, attach the message to the PPT or enter in Line H (Remarks) the message number and submit to CSU Audits for processing. Do not CLF if out of sequence.
Note: If the corrected transaction creates an out-of-sequence condition, refer to 1) Reconstructing Employment History and 2) Out-of-Sequence Processing
A void is a cancellation of an invalid transaction previously added to the EHDB. A void is also used to correct a transaction code or effective date.
Enter the same transaction code as the transaction to be voided, followed by the suffix ’V’. Example: 120V.
Enter the same effective date as the transaction to be voided.
Lines A - G
Do not enter data in any of these items.
Enter the Corrected Transaction Identifier, using the position number as it appears on the EHDB for the transaction you are voiding.
Line H
Complete the Appointing Power Signature, Date, and the reason for the void.
Note: If the voided transaction creates an out-of-sequence condition, refer to 1) Reconstructing Employment History and 2) Out-of-Sequence Processing
When voiding a transaction to correct the Transaction Code and the Effective Date remains the same, you must key a CLF Transaction after the void and before re-entering the new transaction. If this is not done, the following audit message will issue "TRANSACTION PRIOR TO THE ACTION THAT CREATED OUT OF SERVICE CONDITION".
When the only record on a position sequence has an incorrect Effective Date and/or Transaction Code, enter the correct (new) transaction BEFORE processing the void. (Leave Item 450 blank unless the transaction is A54 or A56; in that case, Item 450 = 3.)
If the Effective Date is the item to be corrected, Item 921 must be entered.
If voiding and re-entering a Transaction A56, a Transaction 215 may be needed to enter Item 921. Verify the re-entered A56 to determine if a Transaction 215 is needed.
When an employee's appointment is cancelled, or is not valid, and the employee has prior history but is not due any pay, void the appointment. Do not post a Transaction S99 or S31 with the same effective date as the appointment. If the prior record is not an S31, process an S31 with an effective date the same as the expiration date (Item 416) of the prior A52/A56.
Last Updated: October 17, 2006