Item 880 - Time Of Death and Pay Status Code

(PPT Line G Item)

This item is used to record the time of an employee's death and whether or not the employee is entitled to payment for the date of death.



On Line G, enter: 880 / XX:XX-Z

Where XX:XX is the Time of Death reported on the 24-hour clock and Z is the Pay Status Code.

Time Of Death examples:

00:00 = Time of death unknown

00:01 = 1 minute past Midnight

08:00 = 8 o'clock A.M.

12:00 = 12 o'clock Noon

16:00 = 4 o'clock P.M.

20:00 = 8 o'clock P.M.

24:00 = 12 o'clock Midnight

Pay Status Code:

Y = Designates that the day of death was a normal workday for an employee who died while on-the-job, on paid leave status (sick leave, vacation, CTO, holiday, etc.), or following completion of his/her work shift. The employee is entitled to payment for the full day.

N = Designates that the employee died on his/her regular day off, before regular working hours, or while on leave without pay, including dock. For an academic year employee, the date of death occurs during the recess between academic terms or academic years. The employee is not entitled to payment for the day.


Employee was on pay status at time of death, 1:20 pm.
Enter: 880 13:20-Y

Employee was not on pay status at time of death, 6:15 am.
Enter: 880 06:15-N




  1. This item must be entered on all S95 Transactions.

  2. Time of death and pay status code must be entered in the form XX:XX-X (2 digits hour, colon, 2 digits minute, hyphen, 1 character).

More Info:




Last Updated: August 26, 2005