Final Salary Anniversary Date





A6 (except as noted below)



This is an employee-specific item that indicates the month and year that a Unit 3 employee will last be eligible to receive a Service-based Salary Increase (SSI)  Refer to PIMS Manual, Item 958, for additional information.


This is a defined field in the EH file.



Coding Values:

MMYYYY = Month and year that the employee will last be eligible to receive a SSI. MMYYYY is a valid entry for those who are eligible for additional SSI increases (not at the maximum for the class and range, and not at their own individual maximum (Code 9999) - see below). For the EH file century is not included (e.g. MMYY).


9999 = Indicates that the employee has reached his/her maximum SSI salary, but is not at the maximum salary for the class and range.


MAX = Indicates that the employee has reached the maximum salary for the class and range.


None = When date is indeterminable or if there is no anniversary date.


Available Files:  

AC  Active Current Status

AN  Annual Current Status

EH  Employment History Extract (A4)

SP  Separated Current Status


SAC  Systemwide Active Current Status

SAN  Systemwide Annual Current Status





Last Updated: March 1, 2002