
  Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology
CSU Council on Ocean Affairs, Science & Technology
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COAST News Intro

Two weeks following the Moss Landing battery plant fire, research by Dr. Ivano Aiello, San Jose State (MLML), reveals an increase in toxic metals in Elkhorn Slough. Nanoparticles from lithium-ion batteries were found among these toxins. More research will be needed to determine the consequences of these toxic nanoparticles on the Elkhorn Slough ecosystem. ​


​Scientists have discovered a new ghost shark species, Harriotta avia, in New Zealand's deep waters. Known as the Australasian narrow-nosed spookfish, this elusive "living fossil" boasts a long snout, wing-like fins, and shark-like traits, though it evolved 375 million years ago. According to Dr. David Ebert, Director at the Pacific Shark Research Center at California’s San Jose State University, little is understood about their remote habitats. 

Photograph By Shane Gross/ Nature Picture Library

Are you a CSU student who wants an unparalleled opportunity to participate in a scientific research cruise aboard an ocean-going vessel? Do you want to gain valuable skills in hands-on marine research, cutting-edge techniques, and team-building? 

CSU COAST, in partnership with University of Miami (UM), Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO), and California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB), is pleased to announce the Microbial Energy At Sea opportunity for CSU undergraduate students to participate in an oceanographic research cruise aboard the research vessel (R/V) Marcus G. Langseth.  The 21-day cruise investigating marine microbial energetics off the coast of California will occur in summer, 2025. Students will be involved in all main cruise activities and will develop their own independent research projects to be carried out during the cruise. Applications are due by 11:59pm (PDT) December 2, 2024

Please see the COAST Microbial Energy at Sea website for further details and application instructions.​

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