
Facilities Operations


The California State University Department of Facilities Operations works collaboratively with departments, campus services and management to facilitate construction, maintenance and repair of buildings and grounds.

The information contained within this section is intended to allow users to easily navigate to specific, helpful resources in support of this mission.

APPA FPI (Association of Physical Plant Administrators Facilities Performance Indicators)

Campuses use APPA FPI reports to compare funding and staffing levels against peer institutions. This survey also incorporates the National Association of College and University Business Officer’s (NACUBO) sustainability questionnaire, which contains five metrics for reporting consumption of energy (BTUs), electricity (kilowatts), water, waste, and carbon footprint for the purpose of recognizing campus improvement, increasing campus awareness of environmentally sound practices, and improving utility management and decision-making.

APPA FPI helps campuses to answer questions such as:

  • Is my institution adequately funding our facilities management annual budget?
  • Are the operating funds that my facilities department receives being spent in a manner that supports our goals?
  • Is my campus making the right investments in our existing buildings, infrastructure and academic programs?


Capital Renewal Model

Sightlines’ Capital Renewal Facilities Reinvestment & Renewal Model (FRRM) uses a predictive forecasting model based on life-cycle expectations. This model of capital renewal needs uses a 10-year period utilizing statistical methods. Forecasting is based on building system life cycles and remaining-useful-life-of-building and infrastructure subsystems such as mechanical, plumbing, electrical, elevators and roofs.

The forecast produces a calculation of the scheduled year for system renewal and estimated renewal cost. The total cost to restore various subsystems is calculated on an annual basis and averaged over time to determine annual capital renewal expenditures. The model also enables campus staff to identify major systems currently past their useful life and specifically designate them as part of the deferred maintenance/renewal backlog.


Collective Bargaining

The CPDC Facilities Operations CPDC-FO team at the Chancellor’s Office represents the interests of the Campus Directors of Facilities Operations (DFO) during the collective bargaining process. Working with the campus DFOs before the start of bargaining, CPDC-FO coordinates an effort to understand how the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) can be strengthened to better support campus Facilities Management.

Even minor changes to the language to various articles in the CBA can positively affect the effectiveness of campus facilities operations. CBA change suggestions are collected, discussed and prioritized among the DFO group. The suggested changes are then brought to the Systemwide Human Resources Labor Relations Manager(s) leading collective bargaining for each respective contract.

The changes are prioritized with other collective bargaining objectives brought to the bargaining table for discussion with union representation. When bargaining concludes, we expect to move forward with a stronger agreement to support the mission of the CSU.


Emergency Repairs


Campuses can use an immediate response job order contract (JOC) or work and remedial measures that are required immediately and which are necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare (in the event of an emergency).

The emergency must be due to:

  • an act of God
  • earthquake
  • flood
  • storm
  • fire
  • landslide
  • public disturbance
  • vandalism
  • other unexpected cause

The immediate response JOC should be used to address the emergency only and should not be used for the work beyond the emergency.

For more information about immediate response JOC, contact BELFOR USA at 800-856-3333.



Facilities Condition Assessments

Facilities Condition Assessments (FCA) provide estimated backlog and future renewal needs of each facility by inspecting each separate building system.

Engineering teams assess equipment and interview a campus's skilled trades personnel to gather data for the FCA reporting model. This includes an evaluation of several building systems, including but not limited to:

  • mechanical systems
  • electrical systems
  • plumbing systems
  • structural and architectural components
  • vertical transportation systems
  • ADA compliance
  • utilities

Campuses may contract with the awarded firm through the agreement provided below to arrange for Facility Condition Assessment services. Terms and conditions, including specific fees, have been pre-established in this agreement.


Green Building Materials​

​​Assembly Bill 262, the Buy Green California Act, requires California State University include Green building materials in contract documents. These materials will be listed in project specifications and describe facility-specific global warming potential for any eligible materials and not exceed the maximum global warming potential for that material. Additionally, CSU will report Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) for materials used on construction projects to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The EPD categories that will be reported on will be Flat Glass, Hot Rolled Sections, Hollow Structural Sections, Plate, Carbon Steel Rebar and Mineral Wool. CSU and MetaBim have built a repository for entry of these materials.


Joint Apprenticeship Program

Learn more about the Join Apprenticeship Program.


Sharing best practice for facilities operations and maintenance across the CSU is an important way for new employees to learn and crucial for improving efficiency.

ListManager is an Internet application designed to deliver email quickly and efficiently to large numbers of recipients. It uses a database to store demographic information for the members’ email addresses.

To join the following listservs, please submit a request to [email protected].

Capital Outlay Program Companion Report​s

Repor​t on Energy and Sustainability: This report is organized around four key metrics: Energy Use Intensity (BTU/GSF/year), Utility Cost by Gross Square foot, Gross Institutional Expenditure, and GHG Emissions. These factors are influenced by campus location and its climate, type of utility service, hours of operation, occupancy loads, maintenance practice and energy efficiency efforts. Since many of these factors fall outside of a campus' control, this data is best used to compare an individual campus' performance over time. Any comparisons between campuses shou​ld consider these factors.

Report on Facilities ​​​Operations: This report identifies key metrics, which illustrate a 10-year appraisal of results for California State University and comparisons by each institution.  The accumulation of data, benchmarks and reports comes from a variety of sources (APPA Facilities Performance Indicators, ISES Facilities Condition Assessments, Space & Facilities Database, CSU Financial Information Record Management System).  ​Care has been taken to be as accurate as possible.  Understanding where we have been and where trends are taking us in terms of staffing, budgets, and quality can be a powerful decision making and communication tool at all levels of the organization. 

We encourage you to explore these reports as a starting point to inform your campus decisions. When analyzing your own campus data, it is important to look an institution that are similar to yours as an indicator of where your school stands.  The results are more informative than exact because of many program specific factors go beyond the raw consumption of data reported in this analysis.  Routine use and understanding of this data will position our CSU team as the leaders in the nation in data based decision making, leadership and accountability for making the best use of public funds and driving quality performance.


Fleet Vehicle Management

Executive Order 1000 delegates to all campus presidents the authority for fleet vehicle purchases and stipulates that campuses shall maintain written records of further delegations of fleet vehicle authority and responsibilities consistent with the provisions of this section.

Requests for fleet vehicle purchases from both self-support (auxiliary) and General Fund/Academic departments shall be justified in writing.

