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Students walk through art gallery

Course Proposals​​

We accept proposals in visual, literary, and performing arts. To propose a course for Summer Arts, interested faculty will submit an initial course concept. Summer Arts staff will review, provide feedback, and invite full proposals from selected faculty. Proposal development workshops will be held before final proposals are due. See below for more information. 

Summer Arts generally takes place in late June and July. Faculty and guest artists are housed on-campus during the session. Some course preparation activities, including travel throughout the state for meetings and recruitment, are required in the fall and spring if your course is selected.

Summer Arts is currently accepting proposals for a 2025-2029 host university. The location will be determined in June 2024. ​​​


We are looking for courses that fulfill systemwide needs and uphold Summer Arts’ mission and values. Additionally, we’re seeking courses that are distinguished from campus offerings and that bring exciting guest artists to the program.

Proposals are reviewed by a committee of CSU faculty across the state for academic and artistic merit, guest artist quality, and student interest. Summer Arts selects courses factoring the curriculum committee review, budget implications, available facilities, and the collective offerings of Summer Arts.


  • 3/15/​2024 – Proposals open
  • 3/22/2024 – ​Faculty info session​ (please contact us​ if you'd like access to the recording)
  • 4/22/24 ​4/8/2024 – Initial concepts due​ - Extended!
  • 4/26/2024 – Faculty notified about submitting full proposal
  • 5/31 & 6/7​ – Proposal development workshops
  • 7/8/2024 – Full proposals due​
  • 9/6/2024 – Faculty notified of course selection status

If you are interested in proposing a course for Summer Arts, please provide your information b​e​low:

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