
Academic Project:


Reviews during design phase (by construction administrator, referred to hereafter as CA)


Construction Administrator attends three (3) design review meetings: architectural job start meeting, schematic/preliminary phase review and the construction documents phase review. 

  1. Architectural Job Start Meeting: Construction Administrator reviews the Construction Management section of the CSU Procedure Manual for CSU Projects with the architect to ensure bidding docs are set up correctly; provide guidelines for various documents, i.e. Supplementary General Conditions, Division One, etc., review Construction Documents phase meeting and agenda, review Prebid meeting and agenda. 
  2. Schematic & Preliminary Design Phase Meeting: Construction Administrator reviews geotechnical and foundation design report; drawings (site plan and survey to check existing utilities, review structural frame and cladding details and ensure Seismic Review Committee is reviewing also), mechanical & electrical review. Review Specifications: Division One, General Requirements and Special Conditions, Division 2-Site Work, ensure agreement with soils report, review Supplementary General Conditions. 
  3. Construction Document Review (at 95% Construction Documents): Construction Administrator check schedule, phasing, work areas, access, utility tie-ins/shutdowns, source of temporary facilities/availability/capacity, asbestos/lead, campus restraints, prevailing wage rates/special determinations--if any, bid alternates, and addenda.


  • SUAM sections 9721-9721.10.
  • CM Procedures Manual, section 2, Reviews during Design Phase. 
  • Public Contract Code, ​​sections 3400, 10720-21

The CA needs to remain involved throughout the design phases to monitor/work towards the successful completion of design of the construction documents.


Prebid Meeting - Attendees: Construction Administrator (CA), Project Architect, Campus Reps, and others as needed)


Discuss preparing documents for advertising and bidding project; i.e. project schedule, phasing, bid alternates, temporary facilities, Division 1, Contract General Conditions, Supplementary General Conditions, contractor license, liquidated damages, addenda, distribution of plans & specs, bid proposal packages, insurance, etc. CA shall draft a letter to the project Architect providing the following information: date and time of bid, distribution of plans and specs, advertising dates, contract duration, liquidated damages, job walkthrough and contractor license requirements. This letter to the architect will also transmit the Notice to Contractors, Bid Proposal Form with sample overlay, Contract General Conditions, Supplemental General Conditions, and identify the version number for the current prevailing wage rates from DIR website. 

Prior to seeking approval to proceed to bid, the Construction Administrator shall carefully review the Bid Proposal Form, especially versus Division 1 sections such as allowances, unit pricing, and alternatives. Construction Administrator shall then compile the prebid approval package for Department Director/AVP or VP Administration's careful review and approval to proceed to bid the project. This package will include a cover approval to proceed to bid memo transmitting complete working drawings, and certification of project's compliance with original scope, budget, and schedule, attaching the following: CPDC 2-7, CPDC 2-7.5, CPDC 3.1, architect's cost estimate, statement of finance prior to bid, fully signed Request for Approval to Proceed or Encumber Funds form, Signed Approval to Proceed to Bid form verifying that working drawings for the project, including all necessary plan check approvals, are complete, and the Project Plan Approval form containing all campus approvals. This memo should also identify and prioritize alternatives, and submit allowances for CA approval. Note alternatives cannot exceed 10% of the estimated cost of the base project per SAM section 6872. Also note that allowances shall not exceed 10% of the construction value per SUAM section 9721.08.


  • State Administrative Manual (SAM), section 6872;
  • SUAM sections 9721-9721.10
  • CM Procedures Manual (CA), section 3, Prebid;
  • Bus & Prof Code, sections 7056(A), 7057(B), 7058(C),
  • Contractors State License Board Regulation 832

Policy on Mandatory Prebid Walkthroughs: It is CPDC policy that campus do not set up bid documents (i.e. Notice to Contractors, Bid Proposal Form) to require contractors to attend a mandatory prebid walkthrough, unless there is a compelling reason for it. Two examples of projects for which there is a valid reason to require a mandatory prebid walkthrough: 1) hazmat removal projects where temporary installations such as visqueen bubbles need to be installed to allow contractors to see the existing asbestos, or 2) on infrastructure projects where the campus opens mechanical and electrical rooms to allow contractors to inspect the rooms.


MOU Campus-Auxiliary for Projects Using State Funds, MOU Campus-Auxiliary for Projects without the Use of State Funds, Design and Construction Filing Guides, Approval to Proceed to Bid, Statement of Finances Prior to Bid, Prevailing Wage Cover Page, Prebid Meeting Agenda (700.01), Temporary Facilities Checklist (700.03), Construction Bid Information form (700.02-used for architect front-end letter), the advertisement (Notice Inviting Bids-700.06), and putting together the Bid Proposal Package, see Prepare bid packages for distribution.

Advertising the Project


Campuses must advertise all projects in the California State Contracts Register (using Dept. of General Services website, Cal eProcure) and run two weeks, but a longer period may be designated. It is recommended that the publication of the first ad coincide with the date that documents are available to bidders, the 2nd ad would follow one week later. Campus must also advertise the project in one of the following two ways:

  1. campus will use newspaper advertising, advertising once a week for two consecutive weeks in a trade newspaper of general circulation, one published in Los Angeles, and one in San Francisco, and in one newspaper of general circulation published in the county for the campus on which the project is bidding); OR
  2. Campus may advertise online through the PlanetBids Public Solicitation Portal.

NOTE: if quickly rebidding a project after an unsuccessful 1st bid due to a bid ambiguity or other minor cause, issue an addendum, fixing the minor error, and setting the rebid date. Transmit the revised bid proposal package with the addendum to the original bidders. In this situation, you do not need to re-advertise the project. 

Content of Ads: For electronic ads, use the entire Notice to Contractors; for print ads, use Notice Inviting Bids form (to reduce ad cost). 

Relevant websites:
CA State Contracts Register, Cal eProcure
PlanetBids Public Solicitation Portal​


  • SUAM sections 9723-9723.03 ​Advertising Public Works Projects​
  • CM Procedures Manual:
  • section 5-Request for Approval to: Proceed to Bid, Advertise, and Authorization to print front-end documents, section 6-Newpaper Ads. 
  • Public Contract Code sections 10742 & 10743 (ads);
  • Public Contract Code section 10780.5 (add & deduct items - bid alternates); 
  • Public Contract Code section 3300 (specify license in ad);


Notice to Contractors, Bid Proposal Form; Abstract of Bids; Bid Proposal Package (to include documents as itemized under Prepare Bid Packages for Distribution)

Prepare Bid Proposal Packages for Distribution, Confirm Bidder's Prequalification, Addenda


Bid proposal packages include: the Notice to Contractors-700.04DBB, Bid Proposal Form 700.05DBB; Certification-702.03, Bid Proposal Signature Page-701.06, List of Proposed Subcontractors-701.04, Bidders Bond-702.09A, Noncollusion Declaration-701.05, Small Business Preference-701.09,  Certificate of Appropriate License, DIR Public Wks Reg. and CA Company-701.08, List of Subcontractors Additional Information-701.04A, and the DVBE forms-DVBE-T, DVBE-1, DVBE-2, DVBE Declarations form-STD 843).

Confirm Bidder Prequalification:  Bid proposal packages are assembled and numbered by the campus bidding office. Prior to issuing a bid proposal package, the Campus bidding office must confirm that bidder is registered with DIR to bid public works projects, appropriately licensed by CSLB, and prequalified with CSU. The Chancellor's Office, CPDC - Construction Management,  systemwide Prequalification Program Administrator prequalifies prospective bidders for all campuses. Once campus confirms bidder's prequalification, campus may then issue a bid proposal package to the bidder. Campus shall not post bid proposal packages online without the ""Sample"" overlay on the bid proposal form.

Addenda:  If necessary Construction Administrator must issue an addendum to address any deficiency in the bid documents (usually the specification). If addendum contains material changes, it must be distributed not later than 72 hours prior to bid by law (by policy, 5 working days).


  • SUAM section 9731-9731.01; Prep/Contents Bid Documents; E-Bids;
  • SUAM sections 9740-9745; Prequalification​
  • SUAM section 9747, Addenda during Bidding
  • CM Procedures Manual: sections 7-Prequalification, and 8-Bid & RFP Packages
  • Public Contract Code section 4104.5 (Late addendum with material changes)
  • Public Contract Code section 10760 (PQ required of bidders when estimated contract cost exceeds value of a minor cap project, demonstrate experience in performing public works); 
  • Public Contract Code section 10761 (Trustees shall adopt a uniform system of rating bidders, on the basis of standard questionnaires and financial statements, in respect to the size of the contract upon which each bidder is prequalified to bid.)
  • Public Contract Code section 10764 (bidders must be prequalified to receive a bid proposal package); 
  • Labor Code section 1725.5 (contractor must register with DIR prior to bidding public works contracts.)


Contractor's prequalification approval letter is generated by PlanetBids Prequalification Module database, once contractor's application is approved by  Chancellor's Office Prequalification Program Administrator. Contractor has access to download letter and send to campus as evidence of its prequalification status.​