
About ATS

All Academic Technology Services projects are guided by three principles: ​​

1. Incubate innovations sufficiently to enable campus adoption in a timely, cost-effective and successful manner. 

2. Develop shared services for cost effectiveness and shared expertise in the CSU community for effectively adopting and using technologies. ​

3. Leverage the size of the CSU to reduce costs of academic technology shared services.


The staff of ATS is here to help you successfully use our resources and expertise to advance your academic technology initiatives. Our distributed team is eager to bring you their expertise and consultative support.  If you have questions or want to explore ideas on how to use our resources, please contact us​ so we can help and support you.

The ATS team works with CSU campus leaders, faculty, librarians and academic technology staff to implement a variety of sustainable and scalable academic technology projects.​


ATS Team Members

​​Name ​​
​Genzel, Kirstie​
​Program Manager, Systemwide Digital Library Content​​​(562) 951-4646
​​Gunasegaram, Marla
​Program Coordinator, Online Course Services
(562) 951-4878
Hartwigsen, Jessica 
​Library System Specialist​(562) 951-4618
Hennessey, Christina
Director, Library Data Management, Systemwide Digital Library Services​(562) 951-4137
Kennedy, LeslieAssistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Technology Services​(562) 951-4605
Administrative Analyst, ATS
(562) 951-4751
Lattomus, FaithProject Manager, Online Programs
(562) 951-4615
​Lee, Chris​
Resource Sharing Manager, Systemwide Digital ​Library Services(562) 951-4246
Liu, Ying​​SDLC Library Services Specialist 
(562) 951-4261
Rice, Gabrielle
Operations & Fiscal Administrator, ATS
(562) 951-4617
Risner, David G.
Analyst/Programmer Lead, Academic Web Application Design and Development(562) 951-4107
VacantWeb Application Developer
(562) 951-4757
​​Roll, Ann
​Director, Systemwide Digital Library Content
​(562) 951-4607
Skylar, Ashley
Program Manager, Online Course Services
(562) 951-4072
Sperling, Barbra B.
Manager, Academic Web Application Design and Development
(562) 951-8488
Stanton, JasonUI Designer and Developer, Academic Web Application Design and Development
(562) 951-4081
​​​​Tran, Lisa​
​ATS Library Financial & Operations Analyst
​(562) 951-4419
Tu, Bryan
Analyst Programmer, Systewide Digital Library services
(562)​ 951-4554
Walker, David S.
Director, Systemwide Digital Library Services
(562) 355-4845
Special Consultants
​​​​​​​Ehrhorn, Sandra  
AL$ Bookstore Liaison Consultant
Kahn, Jeffrey
ATS Technology Integrations
Walker, Erin
AL$ Project Manager
