
Secondary Analysis

Secondar​y Analysis​​

Due to low response rates from the control group, the research team added a secondary data analysis component to the research study which was conducted through the CSU’s Student Success Dashboard to examine specific key variables and other demographic information for all eligible students of the study (e.g., for all students who were recruited to be part of the study, but chose not to participate). Non-participating were eligible students that served as study control students and identified through a propensity score matching approach.

Retention and ​Graduation Rates​​​ for​​​ ​First-Time Freshmen

For both the 2010 and 2011 cohorts, treatment students were retained at a slightly higher percentage rate (6-7 percentage points) than control students.

6 Year Graduation Rates

6-Year Graduation Rates

6 Year Retention Rates

6-Year RETENTION Rates

Graduation by URM​​: First-Time Freshmen

Non-URM treatment and control students in the 2011 cohort performed similarly; however, URM* students in service-learning courses had higher 6-year graduation rates than their matched peers in non-service-learning courses, indicating that service-learning coursework may benefit URM students more. (URM: Control N=86, Treatment N=68; Non-URM: Control N=140, Treatment N=115)

6-Year Graduation Rates by URM Status (2011 COHORT)

6-Year Graduation Rates (2011 Cohort) Table

4-Year Graduation Rates: Transfer Students​​

It is important to note that transfer students participated in the study. Four-year graduation rates are a common measure for transfer students and the available data spanned the 2010, 2011 and 2012 cohorts.  The students in the treatment group graduated at a higher rate than the control students across all three cohorts.

4-Year Graduation Rates: Transfer Students

4-Year Graduation Rates: Transfer Students 

*URM include African American/Black, American Indian/Alaskan Native, and Hispanic/Latino populations.