
Directors of Academic Technology

The campus Directors of Academic Technologies (DAT) in the CSU, as well as their designees, meet monthly to discuss and share information in areas where technology intersects teaching and learning. While the responsibilities of DATs vary greatly across CSU campuses, many work with their campus learning management systems and other academic technology systems that are now part of the Academic Technology ecosystem.​

DAT Shared Resources

 The Directors of Academic Technology (DAT) Shared Resources site provides additional information about the DATS, including names and contact information, as well as information about the three LMS CIGs (Blackboard, Canvas and Moodle) that are active, which is why the Resources site is behind a firewall​. (staff only)

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Leaders in educational technology in California higher education will explore emerging trends, share successes & productive strategies, and much more at the annual Drivers of Educational Technology / California Higher Education (DET/CHE) conference​.

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