
Morgan Danielle Burris

Humboldt State University
William Randolph Hearst Scholar

Morgan Danielle Burris
Social workers provide needed support for the whole family in times of need. I want to be that person.

​​​Morgan Danielle Burris knew she needed to go to college, but was not highly motivated. Her life changed in a split second due to a major car accident that resulted in brain trauma and months of recovery. In the midst of recovery, Morgan became more focused on her education than ever before.

Morgan is a senior at Humboldt State University, working toward a bachelor’s degree in social work. Morgan was inspired to pursue this degree based on the care she received from social workers. This year, Morgan will also start an internship with Making Headway, an organization that assists people recovering from brain injury.

After completing her degree, Morgan plans on enrolling in the social work graduate program at Humboldt. As someone with personal experience recovering from brain trauma, Morgan sees the need to use her experiences to help those who have also suffered major injuries.