
Feedback on the General Education (GE) Task Force Report

UPDATE MAY 22, 2019

As noted in “Next Steps" below, at it's May plenary the ASCSU considered two resolutions regarding the GE Task Force Report.  One resolution from the Executive Committee received the report and recommended to the 2019-20 Executive Committee that the report be referred to appropriate ASCSU Standing Committees for further consultation and recommendations, if any. Based on feedback from campuses posted to the website, the second resolution from the Faculty Affairs committee was modified to simply reject the report.  The Faculty Affairs resolution was first offered as a substitute for the Executive Committee resolution.  The ASCSU voted against the substitution.  The ASCSU then voted not to accept the Executive Committee resolution.  The outcome was that both resolutions were not approved.  So at this point the report has no official status.  The 2019-20 Executive Committee will evaluate where to go from here over the summer. In the meantime, we will leave the feedback page open so that anyone else wishing to have their voice heard for the record has the opportunity to do so.  In that vein, we encourage campuses still engaged in developing feedback on the report to continue to do so and to post the results on the feedback webpage.  The feedback link will remain open through September 30, 2019.  Thank you.​

Welcome to the Feedback Page for the ASCSU General Education Task Force Report.  Here you will find directions on how to provide feedback on the report, background information and next steps.  We realize there is keen interest in the report.  We encourage individuals, campus academic departments, campus senates, systemwide discipline councils/department chairs groups, the statewide campus senate chairs group or anyone else who wants to weigh in, to do so.  The ASCSU resolution recommending the creation of the task force is available here. The full task force report can be found here.
How to Provide Feedback

1.  Survey
We have created a survey in Google Forms to gather feedback on the report.  Required information includes your name and role in the university (faculty, student, administrator, etc).  You can access the survey here

Responses to the survey should be no more than a total of 4500 words.  If your answers are collectively longer than that, please send them in a single pdf document to [email protected]​.  Please include your name and status (faculty, student, administrator, community member, etc) at the beginning of the document. Survey results and documents will be posted weekly to a public dropbox folder accessible here.​  

2.  Formal Responses
Campus senate resolutions and other formal communication can be sent to the ASCSU Chair for distribution at [email protected]. We recommend they also be sent to [email protected] for posting to the public dropbox file.

Next Steps
In May we will consider two second reading resolutions, each of which provides different advice to the 2019-20 ASCSU Executive Committee.  One acknowledges receipt of the report and refers it to our Academic Affairs (AA) and Academic Preparation and Education Programs (APEP) committees for their review.  The other recommends that the ASCSU create a new standing subcommittee on General Education Program Review for the CSU system and refer the report to that committee for completion.  The ASCSU will decide what path to recommend.  Whatever the path, the committee tasked with reviewing/completing the report should take into consideration all feedback as it decides what recommendations, if any, to make for changes in CSU GE via a resolution submitted to the full ASCSU for the body's consideration.  Any recommendations the full ASCSU approves will be forward to the Chancellor for final approval and inclusion in systemwide GE policy. ​​
We are committed to broad and inclusive systemwide consultation to get feedback about the report. We also want to allow ample time for full consideration and discussion of its contents. We expect to collect feedback at least into October 2019, with the first reading of a resolution containing any recommendations AA and APEP make following - at the earliest - at our plenary meeting in November 2019.