Classes and positions in The California State University which are non-exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and which have a minimum work week of 40 hours, i.e., seven consecutive 24-hour periods or 168 consecutive hours. Authorized work in excess of the minimum work week is compensable by cash or compensatory time on a one and one-half (1 ½) time basis. Compensatory time accumulated in excess of 480 hours for public safety officer classes and 240 hours for all other non-exempt classes must be paid in cash in the pay period in which earned. For Collective Bargaining Units 2, 5, 7 and 9 and CSU Confidential designated classes, compensatory time accumulated in excess of 120 hours at the close of the calendar year must be paid for in cash by February 1st. Paid leave will be counted as time worked in determining overtime hours worked under the FLSA. If an employee in a 10-Month class in Collective Bargaining Unit 4 is required to serve in excess of 10 months during any 12-Month period, the employee shall be paid for such service at the monthly rate of 1/10 of the annual salary.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are exempt from the overtime provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act and which have a minimum work week of 40 hours. Authorized work in excess of the minimum work week is compensable as overtime in accordance with applicable CSU policy. Overtime of at least one hour at any one time is compensable by compensating time off on a straight-time basis. Overtime should be credited on an hourly basis with a full hour credit to be granted if half or more of the hour is worked. Smaller fractional units will not be accumulated. Paid leave will be counted as time worked in determining overtime hours worked. When compensating time off is not practicable, the President or designated representative, at his or her discretion, may authorize cash compensation in accordance with the guidelines for approving cash compensation for employees in this work week group (see FSA 77-10). For Collective Bargaining Units 2, 5, 7 and 9 and CSU Confidential designated classes, compensatory time accumulated in excess of 120 hours at the close of the calendar year must be paid for in cash by February 1st.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are exempt from the overtime provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act and which have a work week consisting of a minimum average of 40 hours a week during any twelve consecutive pay periods, but no specified maximum number of hours per day.; Overtime does not accrue for work performed on a normal work day.; Subject to the provisions of call-back time, ordered work on a normal day off is compensable by compensating time off on an hour-for-hour basis not to exceed eight hours. Cash payment for ordered work on a normal day off is not permitted except upon authorization by the Chancellor prior to the time the work is performed.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and which have a minimum average work week of 40 hours. The regular rate of pay is full compensation for all time that is required of the employee to perform the assigned duties of his or her position. Except as otherwise provided in Government Code Section 19853, authorized work in excess of the minimum average work week is not compensable, and shall not be deemed overtime for which compensating time off is provided within the meaning of Government Code Section 19839. If an employee in this work week group is not required by the appointing power to work a normal workday or part thereof, the employee nevertheless shall receive the regular rate of pay without deduction if the absence does not reduce the average work week below 40 hours within the 12 pay periods ending with the pay period in which the absence occurred. (FSA 73-92 contains restrictions on the accumulation of excess time for use at a later date.)
Classes and positions in The California State University which are non-exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and which have a work week of 40 hours, i.e., seven consecutive 24-hour periods of 168 consecutive hours. Authorized work in excess of the minimum work week is compensable by cash or compensatory time on a one and one-half (1 ½) time basis. Compensatory time accumulated in excess of 240 hours must be paid for in cash in the pay period in which earned. In determining overtime hours worked under the FLSA, only time actually worked, exclusive of all leave time and non-work time, regardless of pay status, will be included.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and which have a minimum average work week of 40 hours per week during any 6 consecutive pay periods. Authorized work in excess of the minimum average work week is not compensable in cash or compensating time off (CTO). If an employee in a 10-Month class is required to serve in excess of 10 months during any 12-month period, the employee shall be paid for such service at the monthly rate of 1/10 of the annual salary.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, for which the work week shall not be less than the assignment each week for work covering regular session assignments during the academic year as determined by the campus for each position. The regular rate of pay is full compensation for all time that is required of the employee to perform the assigned duties of his or her position. Except as otherwise provided in Government Code Section 19853, authorized work in excess of the minimum average work week is not compensable and shall not be considered overtime for which compensating time off is provided within the meaning of Government Code Section 19859.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act and which have a minimum average work week of 40 hours for a period of any ten consecutive pay periods as determined by the campus for each position. Except as otherwise provided in Government Code Section 19853, authorized work in excess of the minimum average work week is not compensable, and shall not be deemed overtime for which compensating time off is provided within the meaning of Government Code Section 19839. The regular rate of pay is full compensation for all time that is required of the employee to perform the assigned duties of his or her position. If an employee is required to serve in excess of 10 months during any 12-month period, the employee shall be paid for such excess service at the monthly rate of 1/10 of the annual salary.
Classes and positions in The California State University which are excluded from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, with a duty week, including work, standby, and/or on-call time not to exceed an average 72 hours per week for any monthly pay period. Ordered duty in excess of 312 hours in a monthly pay period is compensable by cash or compensating time off on a 1 ½ hour time basis. The hourly rate for premium overtime is calculated by multiplying the monthly salary rate by 1.5 and dividing by 312 hours.