
James Brady, Ph.D.

President’s Distinguished Professor Award, 2014-15
Los Angeles
Department of Anthropology

I have made some amazing discoveries in Maya caves during my career. My greatest joy now is sharing the wonder of that subterranean world with students.
An esteemed professor and a Maya cave archaeologist, Dr. James Brady is the recipient of this year’s Cal State L.A.’s President’s Distinguished Professor Award.

Professor Brady is recognized internationally for his innovative field research and credited by scholars for creating a new sub-discipline of Maya cave archaeology. In the classroom, he teaches Maya archaeology, geoarchaeology, cultural anthropology and Maya ritual cave use.

Supported by external funding, Brady has conducted field schools in Mexico and Guatemala and his students regularly present their research findings at professional meetings. He has had seven books or chapters and 120 articles published, some of them in leading journals in the field that he has pioneered.

Additionally, Brady’s research has been featured in the Discovery Channel special, “The Cave of the Glowing Skulls,” and he has appeared on the History Channel, The Learning Channel, and National Geographic Explorer.