
Talia Mae Bettcher, Ph.D.

Outstanding Professor Award, 2017-18
Los Angeles
Department of Philosophy

Philosophy enables us to think clearly and deeply. Challenging assumptions, it can illuminate new possibilities. I want students to philosophize, to own their thoughts, to become self-aware agents for change.

Talia Mae Bettcher has been involved in the transgender community, grassroots organizing and creative activities for many years. She served as vice-chair of the Transgender Advisory Council for the City of Los Angeles’ Human Relations Commission and was a member of a working group to develop policies for the Los Angeles Police Department’s interaction with transgender individuals.

An expert on feminist philosophy, transgender studies and philosophy of personhood, Bettcher is writing a book, Person as Intimacy: A Trans Feminism Philosophy. She serves on the editorial board of Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy and on the founding editorial board of Transgender Studies Quarterly. At Cal State LA, Bettcher chairs the Department of Philosophy.