
Matthew Atencio, Ph.D.

Outstanding New Researcher Award, 2016-17
East Bay
Department of Kinesiology

I have been fortunate in being able to translate my key academic and research interests into publications, but even more crucially into a range of community service engagements that benefit youth, public service organizations, colleges, and universities.
An all-star combination of a great classroom teacher, an excellent colleague, and a prolific researcher, Associate Professor Matthew Atencio writes about legitimate skateboarders, angry moms, and the Scottish physical education system as part of his everyday life at CSU East Bay. A member of the faculty since 2013, Dr. Atencio is described by his students as "engaging, helpful, and high energy." He brings that same rocket fuel to publication, and he has been the lead author or collaborator on 24 peer-reviewed articles and chapters in the last three years. A quick look at Google Scholar reveals that his works have been cited over 350 times around the world, and he has been an invited speaker to Singapore, France, and Scotland. His peers describe him as "extraordinary" and "exceptional," and East Bay's Faculty Awards Committee found Dr. Atencio to be more than worthy of recognition as our Outstanding Researcher (Untenured) for 2016.