| 52.6% |
58.3% | 42.7%
49.8% |
50 - 59
| 48.9%
59.9% |
46.9% | 52.7%
40 - 49
| 50.6%
| 57.7% |
51.9% | 54.0%
30 - 39
| 53.0%
63.0% |
54.5% | 58.2%
Under 30
| 64.7%
63.3% |
52.7% | 63.3%
| 53.2%
| 54.8%
*Support includes persons in the following employee categories: Construction/Maintenance/Transportation, Office/Administrative Support and Service Occupations.
**Professional, Technical & Managerial includes persons in the following employee categories: Management and Professional/Technical Occupations.