College Year Budget Reports on Enrollment Actuals, 2016-17

To see a breakdown of enrollment actuals according to Residential/Exempt and Non-Residential/Non-Exempt status, download the full PDF tables below

College year Summary by Term

Table 1: Total Headcount Enrollment by Term, 2016-17 College Year

Campus Summer Fall Winter Spring Annualized Summer Term Academic Year College Year
Bakersfield 2,056 9,326 - 9,655 1,028 9,491 10,519
Channel Islands 75 6,611 - 6,407 38 6,509 6,547
Chico 158 17,557 - 16,882 79 17,220 17,299
Dominguez Hills 248 14,731 - 13,162 124 13,947 14,071
East Bay 311 15,855 15,051 14,109 104 15,005 15,109
Fresno 277 24,405 - 22,971 139 23,688 23,827
Fullerton 655 40,235 - 39,745 328 39,990 40,318
Humboldt - 8,503 - 7,959 - 8,231 8,231
Long Beach 443 37,776 - 34,996 222 36,386 36,608
Los Angeles 429 27,827 - 25,632 215 26,730 26,944
Maritime Academy 689 1,107 - 1,038 345 1,073 1,417
Monterey Bay 20 7,274 - 6,768 10 7,021 7,031
Northridge 427 39,916 - 36,121 214 38,019 38,232
Pomona 51 25,326 24,242 23,060 17 24,209 24,226
Sacramento 111 30,510 - 28,885 56 29,698 29,753
San Bernardino 154 20,767 19,365 18,310 51 19,481 19,532
San Diego 6,540 34,688 - 31,966 3,270 33,327 36,597
San Francisco 6,344 29,045 - 27,683 3,172 28,364 31,536
San Jose 186 32,154 - 29,200 93 30,677 30,770
San Luis Obispo - 21,306 20,834 20,126 - 20,755 20,755
San Marcos - 13,144 - 12,006 - 12,575 12,575
Sonoma - 9,323 - 8,871 - 9,097 9,097
Stanislaus 39 9,762 - 9,168 20 9,465 9,485
Campus Total 19,213 477,148 79,492 444,720 9,521 460,955 470,475
Summer Arts 308 - - - 154 - 154
Intl Programs 185 430 - 417 93 424 516
CalStateTEACH 494 1,043 - 1,027 247 1,035 1,282
Grand Total 20,200 478,621 79,492 446,164 10,014 462,413 472,427

Table 3: Total Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Term, 2016-17 College Year

Campus Summer Fall Winter Spring Annualized Summer Term Academic Year College Year
Bakersfield 628.6 8,036.8 - 8,035.8 314.3 8,036.3 8,350.6
Channel Islands 20.0 5,816.8 - 5,591.5 10.0 5,704.1 5,714.1
Chico 74.7 16,343.4 - 15,747.9 37.4 16,045.6 16,083.0
Dominguez Hills 228.2 11,533.2 - 10,474.9 114.1 11,004.1 11,118.1
East Bay 292.3 13,904.5 13,261.5 12,663.4 97.4 13,276.4 13,373.9
Fresno 158.4 21,587.5 - 20,301.1 79.2 20,944.3 21,023.5
Fullerton 315.6 32,306.1 - 31,693.5 157.8 31,999.8 32,157.6
Humboldt - 8,020.3 - 7,521.0 - 7,770.7 7,770.7
Long Beach 278.3 31,598.4 - 29,605.9 139.1 30,602.2 30,741.3
Los Angeles 146.4 22,855.8 - 21,331.2 73.2 22,093.5 22,166.7
Maritime Academy 346.6 1,197.2 - 1,127.7 173.3 1,162.5 1,335.8
Monterey Bay 11.3 6,886.1 - 6,381.1 5.7 6,633.6 6,639.3
Northridge 251.7 32,255.5 - 29,662.8 125.9 30,959.2 31,085.0
Pomona 30.8 22,078.0 21,618.4 20,434.3 10.3 21,376.9 21,387.1
Sacramento 63.2 26,094.2 - 24,415.0 31.6 25,254.6 25,286.2
San Bernardino 150.1 18,069.8 17,061.8 16,056.1 50.0 17,062.6 17,112.6
San Diego 2,463.8 31,527.4 - 28,840.0 1,231.9 30,183.7 31,415.6
San Francisco 2,532.4 24,107.5 - 23,154.3 1,266.2 23,630.9 24,897.1
San Jose 110.8 26,659.8 - 24,330.7 55.4 25,495.2 25,550.6
San Luis Obispo - 20,717.9 20,271.0 18,978.9 - 19,989.2 19,989.2
San Marcos - 10,924.4 - 9,944.3 - 10,434.4 10,434.4
Sonoma - 8,605.3 - 8,223.1 - 8,414.2 8,414.2
Stanislaus 17.0 8,241.3 - 7,771.1 8.5 8,006.2 8,014.7
Campus Total 8,120.1 409,367.1 72,212.6 382,285.5 3,981.2 396,080.0 400,061.2
Summer Arts 76.5 - - - 38.3 - 38.3
Intl Programs 61.4 440.1 - 419.1 30.7 429.6 460.3
CalStateTEACH 462.0 934.4 - 896.2 231.0 915.3 1,146.3
Grand Total 8,720.0 410,741.6 72,212.6 383,600.8 4,281.1 397,424.9 401,706.1

General College Year Summary Data

Table 6: Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2016-17 College Year

  Undergraduate Graduate/Post-Bacc.  
Campus Lower Division Upper Division Subtotal Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Subtotal Total
Bakersfield 3,945.5 5,257.5 9,203.0 482.0 122.5 711.0 1,315.5 10,518.5
Channel Islands 1,965.5 4,306.5 6,272.0 91.0 104.5 79.0 274.5 6,546.5
Chico 5,864.5 10,303.5 16,168.0 217.5 188.0 725.0 1,130.5 17,298.5
Dominguez Hills 2,918.5 8,973.0 11,891.5 263.5 438.5 1,477.0 2,179.0 14,070.5
East Bay 3,291.0 9,316.0 12,607.0 259.7 175.0 2,067.0 2,501.7 15,108.7
Fresno 7,634.5 13,220.5 20,855.0 602.0 94.5 2,275.0 2,971.5 23,826.5
Fullerton 9,630.0 24,805.5 34,435.5 644.5 263.5 4,974.0 5,882.0 40,317.5
Humboldt 2,574.0 5,131.0 7,705.0 79.0 47.0 400.0 526.0 8,231.0
Long Beach 9,132.5 22,000.0 31,132.5 761.5 601.5 4,112.0 5,475.0 36,607.5
Los Angeles 8,452.0 14,750.5 23,202.5 372.0 238.0 3,131.5 3,741.5 26,944.0
Maritime Academy 461.5 910.0 1,371.5 - 36.5 9.0 45.5 1,417.0
Monterey Bay 2,089.0 4,436.5 6,525.5 158.0 14.0 333.5 505.5 7,031.0
Northridge 10,717.5 23,133.5 33,851.0 584.5 485.0 3,311.5 4,381.0 38,232.0
Pomona 6,916.7 15,757.7 22,674.3 343.7 88.7 1,119.7 1,552.0 24,226.3
Sacramento 8,052.5 19,052.0 27,104.5 86.5 412.0 2,150.0 2,648.5 29,753.0
San Bernardino 6,411.7 10,887.0 17,298.7 358.0 92.3 1,783.0 2,233.3 19,532.0
San Diego 9,914.5 21,631.5 31,546.0 440.5 113.0 4,497.5 5,051.0 36,597.0
San Francisco 9,326.0 18,862.5 28,188.5 223.0 134.5 2,990.0 3,347.5 31,536.0
San Jose 7,386.0 17,677.5 25,063.5 452.5 68.5 5,185.5 5,706.5 30,770.0
San Luis Obispo 6,795.7 13,109.0 19,904.7 150.7 17.3 682.7 850.7 20,755.3
San Marcos 4,709.0 7,311.0 12,020.0 181.5 15.0 358.5 555.0 12,575.0
Sonoma 3,537.5 4,852.0 8,389.5 183.0 70.5 454.0 707.5 9,097.0
Stanislaus 2,936.0 5,434.0 8,370.0 316.0 121.0 677.5 1,114.5 9,484.5
Campus Total 134,661.5 281,118.2 415,779.7 7,250.5 3,941.3 43,503.8 54,695.7 470,475.3
Summer Arts 105.5 3.5 109.0 - 45.0 - 45.0 154.0
Intl Programs 56.5 459.5 516.0 - - - - 516.0
CalStateTEACH - - - 1,282.0 - - 1,282.0 1,282.0
Grand Total, Number 134,823.5 281,581.2 416,404.7 8,532.5 3,986.3 43,503.8 56,022.7 472,427.3
Grand Total, Percent 28.5% 59.6% 88.1% 1.8% 0.8% 9.2% 11.9% 100.0%

Table 7: Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, 2016-2017 College Year

  Undergraduate Graduate/Post-Bacc.  
Campus Lower Division Upper Division Subtotal Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Subtotal Total
Bakersfield 2,998.0 4,347.3 7,345.3 376.7 72.7 555.8 1,005.3 8,350.6
Channel Islands 1,836.7 3,664.5 5,501.2 97.4 73.9 41.6 212.9 5,714.1
Chico 5,583.2 9,515.2 15,098.4 276.7 122.0 585.9 984.6 16,083.0
Dominguez Hills 2,500.9 7,013.5 9,514.3 201.6 262.9 1,139.3 1,603.8 11,118.1
East Bay 3,087.2 8,168.2 11,255.4 277.4
126.5 1,714.5 2,118.5 13,373.9
Fresno 6,775.0 11,747.8 18,522.7
526.3 61.1 1,913.3 2,500.8 21,023.5
Fullerton 8,495.5 19,762.7 28,258.2 570.7 152.7 3,176.0 3,899.4 32,157.6
Humboldt 2,498.8 4,791.3 7,290.1 107.4 26.7 346.6 480.6 7,770.7
Long Beach 8,353.9 18,549.9 26,903.8 605.2 366.2 2,866.2 3,837.5 30,741.3
Los Angeles 7,412.3 12,100.7 19,513.1 228.2 151.7 2,273.6 2,653.6 22,166.7
Maritime Academy 471.9 825.8 1,297.7 - 33.6 4.5 38.1 1,335.8
Monterey Bay 2,051.9 4,176.7 6,228.6 138.6 6.5 265.5 410.6 6,639.3
Northridge 9,443.2 18,649.5 28,092.7 393.2 265.0 2,334.1 2,992.4 31,085.0
Pomona 6,320.8 14,040.1 20,360.8 244.2 47.9 734.2 1,026.3 21,387.1
Sacramento 7,387.2 15,812.4 23,199.6 82.4 407.3 1,597.0 2,086.6 25,286.2
San Bernardino 5,758.0 9,664.7 15,422.8 302.4 50.3 1,337.1 1,689.8 17,112.6
San Diego 9,252.0 18,346.7 27,598.7 506.4 71.8 3,238.7 3,816.9 31,415.6
San Francisco 7,676.8 14,805.1 22,481.9 186.2 93.0 2,136.0 2,415.2 24,897.1
San Jose 6,592.2 14,767.9 21,360.1 343.3 37.5 3,809.6 4,190.5 25,550.6
San Luis Obispo 6,708.7 12,466.6 19,175.3 162.4 6.6 645.0 813.9 19,989.2
San Marcos 3,972.9 5,998.8 9,971.6 225.3 9.8 227.6 462.7 10,434.4
Sonoma 3,373.2 4,476.5 7,849.7 192.2 46.2 326.1 564.5 8,414.2
Stanislaus 2,609.0 4,544.9 7,153.9 256.5 85.1 519.1 860.8 8,014.7
Campus Total 121,159.3 238,236.7 359,396.0 6,300.8 2,577.0 31,787.5 40,665.2 400,061.2
Summer Arts 26.9 0.8 27.7 - 10.5 - 10.5 38.3
Intl Programs 49.5 410.8 460.3 - - - - 460.3
CalStateTEACH - - - 1,146.3 - - 1,146.3 1,146.3
Grand Total, Number 121,235.7 238,648.3 359,884.0 7,447.1 2,587.5 31,787.5 41,822.1 401,706.1
Grand Total, Percent 30.2% 59.4% 89.6% 1.9% 0.6% 7.9% 10.4% 100.0%

Enrollment Planing Headcount and FTES Tables

Table 28: Regular and Limited Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, 2016-17 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 6,856.3 357.2 53.7 451.6 210.4 16.4 7.4 83.3 8,036.3
Channel Islands 5,383.2 95.2 64.5 11.0
109.2 2.2 8.2 30.6 5,704.1
Chico 14,925.1 275.3 98.3 470.8 161.5 1.1 22.9 90.6 16,045.6
Dominguez Hills 9,023.8 184.8 212.7 800.6 490.5 16.8 48.5 226.3 11,004.1
East Bay 11,091.8 203.0 115.0 1,583.7 159.2 1.7 11.5 110.5 13,276.4
Fresno 18,174.8 492.0 56.0 1,612.0 347.1 20.1 4.9 237.4 20,944.3
Fullerton 27,218.9 526.5 104.5 1,822.7 1,035.7 44.2 48.2 1,199.1 31,999.8
Humboldt 7,244.1 106.3 21.8 307.9 46.0 1.0 4.8 38.6 7,770.7
Long Beach 26,341.6 548.7 288.7 2,059.5 510.4 56.5 70.8 726.0 30,602.2
Los Angeles 18,937.5 189.6 121.5 1,810.3 568.1 37.3 22.6 406.7 22,093.5
Maritime Academy 1,132.8 - 28.5 - 1.2 - - - 1,162.5
Monterey Bay 6,174.1 131.7 4.3 223.3 54.6 6.9 2.2 36.5 6,633.6
Northridge 27,251.9 325.0 152.5 1,665.7 813.6 68.3 64.3 618.0 30,959.2
Pomona 20,163.4 235.2 39.7 604.3 197.4 9.0 8.2 119.6 21,376.9
Sacramento 22,537.8 80.6 382.2 1,196.7 661.8 1.8 25.1 368.7 25,254.6
San Bernardino 15,234.8 288.2 40.8 1,187.5 154.4 9.4 8.9 138.6 17,062.6
San Diego 26,124.9 486.4 64.4 2,283.1 452.3 11.2 5.0 756.4 30,183.7
San Francisco 20,682.6 168.1 78.9 1,626.8 638.8 16.7 12.2 406.8 23,630.9
San Jose 20,800.1 293.1 29.8 3,065.1 560.0 21.8 6.6 718.7 25,495.2
San Luis Obispo 19,115.2 162.2 3.2 617.1 60.1 0.2 3.3 27.9 19,989.2
San Marcos 9,736.3 224.9 7.7 150.3 235.3 0.4 2.1 77.4 10,434.4
Sonoma 7,786.0 187.8 39.3 248.8 63.8 4.3 6.8 77.3 8,414.2
Stanislaus 6,978.8 242.5 76.0 404.9 175.2 14.0 9.2 105.7 8,006.2
Campus Total 348,915.6 5,804.3 2,084.2 24,203.8 7,706.6 361.3 403.6 6,600.7 396,080.0
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 429.6 - - - - - - - 429.6
CalStateTEACH - 894.4 - - - 20.9 - - 915.3
Grand Total 349,345.2 6,698.7 2,084.2 24,203.8 7,706.6 382.2 403.6 6,600.7 397,424.9

Table 29: Regular and Limited Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) as a Percentage of Total FTES, by Student Level, 2016-17 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 85.317% 4.445%
0.668% 5.619% 2.619% 0.204% 0.092% 1.036% 100.000%
Channel Islands 94.374% 1.670% 1.131% 0.193% 1.914% 0.039% 0.144% 0.536% 100.000%
Chico 93.016% 1.716% 0.613% 2.934% 1.007% 0.007% 0.143% 0.565% 100.000%
Dominguez Hills 82.004% 1.679% 1.933%
7.275% 4.458% 0.152% 0.441% 2.057% 100.000%
East Bay 83.545% 1.529% 0.866% 11.928% 1.199% 0.013% 0.087% 0.833% 100.000%
Fresno 86.777% 2.349% 0.267% 7.697% 1.657% 0.096% 0.023% 1.133% 100.000%
Fullerton 85.060% 1.645% 0.326% 5.696% 3.237% 0.138% 0.151% 3.747% 100.000%
Humboldt 93.223% 1.368% 0.281% 3.963% 0.592% 0.013% 0.062% 0.497% 100.000%
Long Beach 86.078% 1.793% 0.944% 6.730% 1.668% 0.185% 0.231% 2.373% 100.000%
Los Angeles 85.715% 0.858% 0.550% 8.194% 2.571% 0.169% 0.102% 1.841% 100.000%
Maritime Academy 97.445% - 2.452% - 0.103% - - - 100.000%
Monterey Bay 93.073% 1.985% 0.065% 3.367% 0.823% 0.104% 0.033% 0.551% 100.000%
Northridge 88.025% 1.050% 0.493% 5.380% 2.628% 0.221% 0.208% 1.996% 100.000%
Pomona 94.324% 1.100% 0.186% 2.827% 0.924% 0.042% 0.038% 0.560% 100.000%
Sacramento 89.242% 0.319% 1.513% 4.739% 2.620% 0.007% 0.099% 1.460% 100.000%
San Bernardino 89.288% 1.689% 0.239% 6.960% 0.905% 0.055% 0.052% 0.812% 100.000%
San Diego 86.553% 1.611% 0.213% 7.564% 1.498% 0.037% 0.017% 2.506% 100.000%
San Francisco 87.523% 0.711% 0.334% 6.884% 2.703% 0.071% 0.051% 1.721% 100.000%
San Jose 81.584% 1.150% 0.117% 12.022% 2.196% 0.086% 0.026% 2.819% 100.000%
San Luis Obispo 95.628% 0.811% 0.016% 3.087% 0.301% 0.001% 0.017% 0.140% 100.000%
San Marcos 93.310% 2.156% 0.074% 1.440% 2.255% 0.004% 0.020% 0.742% 100.000%
Sonoma 92.534% 2.232% 0.467% 2.957% 0.758% 0.052% 0.081% 0.919% 100.000%
Stanislaus 87.167% 3.028% 0.949% 5.058% 2.188% 0.175% 0.114% 1.320% 100.000%
Campus Total 88.092% 1.465% 0.526% 6.111% 1.946% 0.091% 0.102% 1.667% 100.000%
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 100.000% - - - - - - - 100.000%
CalStateTEACH - 97.717% - - - 2.283% - - 100.000%
Grand Total 87.902% 1.686% 0.524% 6.090% 1.939% 0.096% 0.102% 1.661% 100.000%

Table 30.1: Regular and Limited Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2016-17 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 7,554.5 426.0 70.0 468.5 701.5 48.5 25.0 196.5 9,490.5
Channel Islands 5,918.0 84.0 74.5 14.0 321.0 7.0 25.5 65.0 6,509.0
Chico 15,650.5 214.0 114.0 475.0 486.0 3.0 71.5 205.5 17,219.5
Dominguez Hills 10,478.5 215.5 272.5 775.0 1,413.0 47.5 161.5 583.0 13,946.5
East Bay 12,035.0 183.0 131.7 1,730.7 568.0 5.0 43.3 308.3 15,005.0
Fresno 19,760.0 528.5
1,621.0 1,093.5 55.0 15.0 536.5 23,688.0
Fullerton 31,464.5 523.5 132.0 2,100.0 2,957.5 121.0 131.5 2,560.0 39,990.0
Humboldt 7,569.0 75.5 26.5 303.0 136.0 3.5 20.5 97.0 8,231.0
Long Beach 29,613.5 606.5 387.0 2,343.5 1,446.0 155.0 206.5 1,628.0 36,386.0
Los Angeles 21,571.0 254.0 159.5 1,962.0 1,592.0 112.0 65.0 1,014.0 26,729.5
Maritime Academy 1,040.5 - 27.0 - 5.0 - - - 1,072.5
Monterey Bay 6,342.0 135.5 5.5 234.0 183.5 22.5 8.5 89.5 7,021.0
Northridge 31,402.0 398.5 177.0 1,826.5 2,400.5 186.0 250.5 1,377.5 38,018.5
Pomona 21,987.7 309.0 65.3 726.0 686.7 34.7 23.3 376.7 24,209.3
Sacramento 25,267.5 81.5 345.0 1,232.0 1,837.0 5.0 67.0 862.5 29,697.5
San Bernardino 16,774.3 320.0 61.7 1,367.0 497.0 32.0 30.0 398.7 19,480.7
San Diego 27,394.0 389.5 90.5 2,344.0 1,367.5 30.5 15.0 1,696.0 33,327.0
San Francisco 23,117.5 169.5 84.0 1,782.5 2,163.0 48.5 43.0 956.0 28,364.0
San Jose 23,384.5 346.5 43.5 3,399.0 1,679.0 62.0 23.5 1,739.0 30,677.0
San Luis Obispo 19,712.3 150.0 5.3 599.0 192.3 0.7 12.0 83.7 20,755.3
San Marcos 11,308.0 180.5 8.0 182.5 712.0 1.0 7.0 176.0 12,575.0
Sonoma 8,157.0 171.5 51.5 270.5 232.5 11.5 19.0 183.5 9,097.0
Stanislaus 7,860.5 275.5 92.5 418.0 509.5 40.5 28.5 240.0 9,465.0
Campus Total 385,362.3 6,038.0 2,503.0 26,173.7 23,180.0 1,032.3 1,292.7 15,372.8 460,954.8
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 423.5 - - - - - - - 423.5
CalStateTEACH - 982.5 - - - 52.5 - - 1,035.0
Grand Total 385,785.8 7,020.5 2,503.0 26,173.7 23,180.0 1,084.8 1,292.7 15,372.8 462,413.3

Table 30.2: ALL Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2016-17 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 231.5 15.0 1.5 16.5 315.0 2.0 6.0 13.0 600.5
Channel Islands - - - - 1.0 - 1.0 - 2.0
Chico 495.5 7.5 2.0 11.5 45.5 - 18.5 38.0 618.5
Dominguez Hills 137.0 1.5 1.5 15.0 29.0 - 3.0 19.5 206.5
East Bay 217.3 3.3 3.7 52.3 27.3 - 3.0 20.7 327.7
Fresno 538.5 21.5 - 31.0 324.5 2.0 1.0 27.5 946.0
Fullerton 646.0 6.0 2.5 38.5 55.5 1.5 5.5 119.5 875.0
Humboldt 294.0 0.5 3.0 29.0 13.5 0.5 15.5 25.0 381.0
Long Beach 457.5 5.0 4.0 62.0 29.0 3.5 16.0 110.0 687.0
Los Angeles 211.0 0.5 6.5 21.0 14.0 0.5 4.5 33.0 291.0
Maritime Academy 58.5 - - - - - - - 58.5
Monterey Bay 175.0 2.5 0.5 7.5 3.5 1.0 5.0 10.0 205.0
Northridge 386.0 1.5 3.5 89.5 113.0 1.0 141.5 68.5 804.5
Pomona 425.7 4.7 - 19.3 47.0 1.0 2.3 17.0 517.0
Sacramento 955.0 - 8.0 34.5 88.0 0.5 5.5 39.0 1,130.5
San Bernardino 355.0 3.0 7.0 85.3 65.0 0.7 11.3 72.7 600.0
San Diego 1,556.5 12.0 - 124.5 63.5 1.0 3.5 228.0 1,989.0
San Francisco 551.0 2.5 0.5 43.0 757.0 0.5 8.5 50.5 1,413.5
San Jose 410.0 5.0 1.5 152.5 104.0 0.5 12.5 174.5 860.5
San Luis Obispo 486.7 2.7 0.7 48.7 11.3 - 11.0 12.3 573.3
San Marcos 905.5 8.5 1.0 9.5 47.0 0.5 5.5 13.0 990.5
Sonoma 270.0 5.0 - 28.5 81.5 - 3.0 25.5 413.5
Stanislaus 138.5 3.5 1.0 18.5 17.0 2.5 7.0 27.5 215.5
Campus Total 9,901.7 111.7 48.3 938.2 2,252.2 19.2 290.7 1,144.7 14,706.5
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 11.5 - - - - - - - 11.5
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total 9,913.2 111.7 48.3 938.2 2,252.2 19.2 290.7 1,144.7 14,718.0

Table 30.3: MANDATORY Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2016-17 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 165.0 8.5
1.0 6.5 7.0 0.5 - - 188.5
Channel Islands - - - - - - - - -
Chico 390.0 4.5 1.0 7.0 5.0 - - 2.5 410.0
Dominguez Hills 111.0 1.5 0.5 5.0 4.5 - 1.0 1.0 124.5
East Bay 163.7 1.0 1.0 11.0 5.0 - - 1.0 182.7
Fresno 411.5 15.0 - 9.5 14.5 - - 4.5 455.0
Fullerton 505.5 3.5 2.5 13.5 19.0 0.5 - 14.0 558.5
Humboldt 232.5 0.5 2.0 7.5 4.0 0.5 - 2.0 249.0
Long Beach 355.0 3.5 1.0 26.5 12.5 1.0 - 9.0 408.5
Los Angeles 168.5 0.5 3.5 3.5 4.0 - 0.5 2.5 183.0
Maritime Academy 55.5 - - - - - - - 55.5
Monterey Bay 153.0 0.5 0.5 2.0 1.5 - - 1.0 158.5
Northridge 291.0 - 2.0 11.5 14.0 - - 2.5 321.0
Pomona 324.3 3.0 - 3.7 5.3 0.3 - 0.3 337.0
Sacramento 696.0 - 8.0 18.5 43.5 0.5 0.5 8.0 775.0
San Bernardino 295.0 1.3 - 19.0 6.3 - - 4.7 326.3
San Diego 1,442.0 10.0 - 63.0 46.0 1.0 - 20.5 1,582.5
San Francisco 455.0 1.0 - 25.0 17.0 0.5 - 5.5 504.0
San Jose 334.5 1.0 - 19.5 11.5 - - 6.0 372.5
San Luis Obispo 317.7 1.0 - 7.7 1.7 - - 0.7 328.7
San Marcos 848.0 5.5 1.0 5.0 35.0 0.5 - 6.5 901.5
Sonoma 222.5 3.0 - 3.5 2.0 - - 0.5 231.5
Stanislaus 106.0 2.5 - 10.0 7.0 0.5 - 4.5 130.5
Campus Total 8,043.2 67.3 24.0 278.3 266.3 5.8 2.0 97.2 8,784.2
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 8.5 - - - - - - - 8.5
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total 8,051.7 67.3 24.0 278.3 266.3 5.8 2.0 97.2 8,792.7

Table 31: Ratio of Regular and Limited Academic-Year Headcount Enrollment to Regular and Limited Academic-Year Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, 2016-17 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 1.102 1.193 1.304 1.037 3.334 2.963 3.363 2.360 1.181
Channel Islands 1.099 0.882 1.155 1.273 2.940 3.182 3.110 2.125 1.141
Chico 1.049 0.777 1.159 1.009 3.009 2.647 3.127 2.268 1.073
Dominguez Hills 1.161 1.166 1.281 0.968 2.881 2.833 3.328 2.576 1.267
East Bay 1.085 0.902 1.145
1.093 3.567 3.000 3.757 2.789 1.130
Fresno 1.087 1.074 1.403 1.006 3.150 2.732 3.082 2.260 1.131
Fullerton 1.156 0.994 1.264 1.152 2.856 2.738 2.726 2.135 1.250
Humboldt 1.045 0.710 1.214 0.984 2.954 3.387 4.241 2.511 1.059
Long Beach 1.124 1.105 1.340 1.138 2.833 2.745 2.918 2.242 1.189
Los Angeles 1.139 1.340 1.312 1.084 2.802 3.005 2.880 2.494 1.210
Maritime Academy 0.919 - 0.947 - 4.167 - - - 0.923
Monterey Bay 1.027 1.029 1.269 1.048 3.363 3.261 3.864 2.449 1.058
Northridge 1.152 1.226 1.161 1.097 2.951 2.725 3.896 2.229 1.228
Pomona 1.090 1.314 1.646 1.201 3.478 3.861 2.853 3.148 1.133
Sacramento 1.121 1.011 0.903 1.029 2.776 2.778 2.669 2.340 1.176
San Bernardino 1.101 1.110 1.513 1.151 3.219 3.388 3.383 2.876 1.142
San Diego 1.049 0.801 1.405 1.027 3.024 2.715 3.000 2.242 1.104
San Francisco 1.118 1.008 1.064 1.096 3.386 2.910 3.534 2.350 1.200
San Jose 1.124 1.182 1.460 1.109 2.998 2.844 3.561 2.420 1.203
San Luis Obispo 1.031 0.925 1.644 0.971 3.201 3.750 3.624 3.000 1.038
San Marcos 1.161 0.802 1.039 1.215 3.025 2.500 3.387 2.275 1.205
Sonoma 1.048 0.913 1.309 1.087 3.646 2.654 2.780 2.374 1.081
Stanislaus 1.126 1.136 1.218 1.032 2.909 2.886 3.109 2.270 1.182
Campus Total 1.104 1.040 1.201 1.081 3.008 2.858 3.203 2.329 1.164
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 0.986 - - - - - - - 0.986
CalStateTEACH - 1.099 - - - 2.512 - - 1.131
Grand Total 1.104 1.048 1.201 1.081 3.008 2.839 3.203 2.329 1.164

Table 32 - Number: Regular and Limited Annualized Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level - Summer 2016

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 143.8 2.8 9.4 11.0 134.8 0.3 2.2 9.0 314.3
Channel Islands - - - - 8.8 - 1.2 - 10.0
Chico 4.6 - - 7.9 7.3
0.2 0.8 16.6 37.4
Dominguez Hills - - 0.3 94.8 - 0.1 1.3 17.6 114.1
East Bay 4.4 71.6 - 19.1 - 1.2 - 1.3 97.4
Fresno 0.8 14.0 - 27.4 0.0 0.2 0.3 36.5 79.2
Fullerton - - - 42.5 3.6 - - 111.8 157.8
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 46.7 - 6.5 51.0 5.1 - 0.1 29.7 139.1
Los Angeles - 0.4 6.3 15.1 7.5 0.9 1.3 41.5 73.2
Maritime Academy 140.3 - 5.0 - 23.4 - 0.1 4.5 173.3
Monterey Bay - - - 4.7 - - - 1.0 5.7
Northridge 24.8 - 47.7 0.7 2.5 - 0.5 49.7 125.9
Pomona - - - 7.6 - - - 2.7 10.3
Sacramento - - - 18.8 - - - 12.8 31.6
San Bernardino 33.5 4.8 0.7 7.8 0.1 - - 3.1 50.0
San Diego 390.0 6.3 0.3 87.5 631.6 2.5 2.1 111.7 1,231.9
San Francisco 384.3 0.3 0.3 18.3 776.1 1.2 1.6 84.1 1,266.2
San Jose - 24.0 1.1 15.9 - 4.4 - 10.0 55.4
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 8.5 8.5
Campus Total 1,173.0 124.3 77.7 430.9 1,600.7 11.0 11.5 552.1 3,981.2
Summer Arts - - - - 27.7 - 10.5 - 38.3
Intl Programs - - - - 30.7 - - - 30.7
CalStateTEACH - 230.1 - - - 0.9 - - 231.0
Grand Total 1,173.0 354.4 77.7 430.9 1,659.2 11.9 22.0 552.1 4,281.1

Table 32 - Percent: Regular and Limited Annualized Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level - Summer 2015

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 45.752% 0.901% 2.991% 3.824% 42.874% 0.106% 0.690% 2.861% 100%
Channel Islands - - - - 88.000% - 12.000% - 100%
Chico 12.221% - - 21.075% 19.536% 0.535% 2.141% 44.492% 100%
Dominguez Hills - - 0.263% 83.059% - 0.088% 1.140% 15.450% 100%
East Bay 4.470% 73.505% - 19.556% - 1.186% - 1.283% 100%
Fresno 1.010% 17.673% - 34.557% 0.042% 0.252% 0.337% 46.129% 100%
Fullerton - - - 26.930% 2.260% - - 70.810% 100%
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 33.541% - 4.696% 36.626% 3.690% - 0.096% 21.352% 100%
Los Angeles - 0.610% 8.626% 20.676% 10.233% 1.271% 1.822% 56.762% 100%
Maritime Academy 80.958% - 2.885% - 13.503% - 0.058% 2.597% 100%
Monterey Bay - - - 82.353% - - - 17.647% 100%
Northridge 19.680% - 37.929% 0.563% 1.960% - 0.371% 39.498% 100%
Pomona - - - 73.713% - - - 26.287% 100%
Sacramento - - - 59.631% - - - 40.369% 100%
San Bernardino 66.911% 9.594% 1.443% 15.656% 0.178% - - 6.218% 100%
San Diego 31.656% 0.511% 0.024% 7.106% 51.269% 0.200% 0.168% 9.065% 100%
San Francisco 30.354% 0.021% 0.024% 1.441% 61.296% 0.095% 0.129% 6.641% 100%
San Jose - 43.341% 1.986% 28.668% - 7.946% - 18.059% 100%
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 100.000% 100%
Campus Total 29.465% 3.121% 1.952% 10.824% 40.207% 0.276% 0.288% 13.867% 100%
Summer Arts - - - - 72.474% - 27.526% - 100%
Intl Programs - - - - 100.000% - - - 100%
CalStateTEACH - 99.610% - - - 0.390% - - 100%
Grand Total 27.400% 8.277% 1.815% 10.066% 38.755% 0.278% 0.514%% 12.895% 100%

Table 33.1: Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, Summer 2016

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 254.5 5.5 18.5 19.5 692.5 2.0 9.0 26.5 1,028.0
Channel Islands - - - - 33.0 - 4.5 - 37.5
Chico 8.0 - - 10.5 23.5 0.5 2.5 34.0 79.0
Dominguez Hills - - 0.5 73.0 - 0.5 4.0 46.0 124.0
East Bay 4.0 67.0 - 24.0 - 4.7 - 4.0 103.7
Fresno 1.0 17.5 - 32.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 85.0 138.5
Fullerton - - - 60.0 13.5 - - 254.0 327.5
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 54.5 - 7.5 63.5 18.5 - 0.5 77.0 221.5
Los Angeles - 0.5 8.0 18.5 39.5 5.5 5.5 137.0 214.5
Maritime Academy 247.0 - 9.0 - 79.0 - 0.5 9.0 344.5
Monterey Bay - - - 7.0 - - - 3.0 10.0
Northridge 40.5 - 56.0 1.0 8.0 - 1.5 106.5 213.5
Pomona - - - 11.3 - - - 5.7 17.0
Sacramento - - - 30.0 - - - 25.5 55.5
San Bernardino 27.0 6.0 0.7 9.3 0.3 - - 8.0 51.3
San Diego 600.5 10.5 0.5 98.5 2,184.0 10.0 7.0 359.0 3,270.0
San Francisco 596.0 0.5 0.5 25.5 2,312.0 4.5 7.0 226.0 3,172.0
San Jose - 29.5 1.5 19.5 - 14.5 - 28.0 93.0
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 19.5 19.5
Campus Total 1,833.0 137.0 102.7 503.7 5,404.3 43.2 43.0 1,453.7 9,520.5
Summer Arts - - - - 109.0 - 45.0 - 154.0
Intl Programs - - - - 92.5 - - - 92.5
CalStateTEACH - 244.5 - - - 2.5 - - 247.0
Grand Total 1,833.0 381.5 102.7 503.7 5,605.8 45.7 88.0 1,453.7 10,014.0

Table 33.2: ALL Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, Summer 2016

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 20.0 0.5 0.5 1.5 190.0 - - 2.0 214.5
Channel Islands - - - - - - - - -
Chico - - - - - - - 0.5 0.5
Dominguez Hills - - - 0.5
- - - - 0.5
East Bay - 1.0
- 1.0 - - - - 2.0
Fresno - - - 1.0 - - - 2.0 3.0
Fullerton - - - 5.0 0.5 - - 14.0 19.5
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 1.0 - 0.5 5.0 - - - 8.5 15.0
Los Angeles - - - 0.5 0.5 - 0.5 3.0 4.5
Maritime Academy 10.5 - - - 7.0 - - - 17.5
Monterey Bay - - - 2.5 - - - 0.5 3.0
Northridge - - 1.0 - - - - 8.0 9.0
Pomona - - - 0.3 - - - 0.7 1.0
Sacramento - - - 1.5 - - - 1.5 3.0
San Bernardino 18.0 0.3 - 0.7 - - - 1.7 20.7
San Diego 69.5 - - 5.0 183.5 0.5 1.0 20.0 279.5
San Francisco 6.0 - - 2.0 34.5 - - 2.5 45.0
San Jose - - - 1.0 - - - 1.5 2.5
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 2.5 2.5
Campus Total 125.0 1.8 2.0 27.5 416.0 0.5 1.5 68.8 643.2
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs - - - - 2.0 - - - 2.0
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total 125.0 1.8 2.0 27.5 418.0 0.5 1.5 68.8 645.2

Table 33.3: MANDATORY Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, Summer 2016

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 7.0 0.5 - - 6.0 - - - 13.5
Channel Islands - - - - - - - - -
Chico - - - - - - - 0.5 0.5
Dominguez Hills - - - 0.5 - - - - 0.5
East Bay - 0.3 - 0.3 - - - - 0.7
Fresno - - - - - - - 0.5 0.5
Fullerton - - - 0.5 - - - 1.5 2.0
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 1.0 - - 2.0 - - - 0.5 3.5
Los Angeles - - - - 0.5 - - - 0.5
Maritime Academy 10.0 - - - 7.0 - - - 17.0
Monterey Bay - - - - - - - - -
Northridge - - - - - - - 0.5 0.5
Pomona - - - - - - - - -
Sacramento - - - 1.5 - - - 1.0 2.5
San Bernardino - 0.3 - 0.7 - - - - 1.0
San Diego 68.0 - - 2.5 170.0 0.5 - 8.5 249.5
San Francisco 6.0 - - - 31.0 - - 1.0 38.0
San Jose - - - - - - - - -
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 0.5 0.5
Campus Total 92.0 1.2 - 8.0 214.5 0.5 - 14.5 330.7
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs - - - - 1.0 - - - 1.0
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total 92.0 1.2 - 8.0 215.5 0.5 - 14.5 331.7

Table 34: Ratio of Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment to Regular and Limited Annualized Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, Summer 2016

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc. Teacher Other Post-Bacc. Graduate Total
Bakersfield 1.770 1.941 1.968 1.622 5.139 6.000 4.147 2.947 3.271
Channel Islands - - - - 3.750 - 3.750 - 3.750
Chico 1.752 - - 1.333
3.219 2.500 3.125 2.045 2.114
Dominguez Hills - - 1.667 0.770 - 5.000 3.077 2.610 1.087
East Bay 0.918 0.935 - 1.259 - 4.038 - 3.200 1.064
Fresno 1.250 1.250 - 1.187 15.000 5.000 3.750 2.326 1.748
Fullerton - - - 1.412 3.785 - - 2.273 2.075
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 1.168 - 1.148 1.246 3.604 - 3.750 2.592 1.592
Los Angeles - 1.119 1.267 1.222 5.274 5.914 4.125 3.298 2.931
Maritime Academy 1.761 - 1.800 - 3.376 - 5.000 2.000 1.988
Monterey Bay - - - 1.500 - - - 3.000 1.765
Northridge 1.635 - 1.173 1.412 3.243 - 3.214 2.142 1.696
Pomona - - - 1.500 - - - 2.103 1.659
Sacramento - - - 1.593 - - - 2.000 1.757
San Bernardino 0.807 1.250 0.923 1.191 3.750 - - 2.571 1.026
San Diego 1.540 1.667 1.667 1.125 3.458 4.054 3.387 3.215 2.654
San Francisco 1.551 1.875 1.667 1.397 2.979 3.750 4.286 2.688 2.505
San Jose - 1.229 1.364 1.228 - 3.295 - 2.800 1.679
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 2.294 2.294
Campus Total 1.563 1.102 1.321 1.169 3.376 3.929 3.749 2.633 2.391
Summer Arts - - - - 3.930 - 4.272 - 4.024
Intl Programs - - - - 3.013 - - - 3.013
CalStateTEACH - 1.063 - - - 2.778 - - 1.069
Grand Total 1.563 1.077 1.321 1.169 3.379 3.842 3.999 2.633 2.339