
College Year Budget Reports on Enrollment Actuals, 2015-16

​To see a breakdown of enrollment actuals according to Residential/Exempt and Non-Residential/Non-Exempt status, download the full PDF tables below.

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College Year Summary by Term

Table 1: Total Headcount Enrollment by Term, 2015-16 College Year

Campus Summer Fall Winter Spring Annualized
Summer Term
Bakersfield 2,125.0 9,228.0 8,789.0 8,525.0 708.3 8,847.3 9,555.7
Channel Islands 76.0 6,167.0 - 6,017.0 38.0 6,092.0 6,130.0
Chico 81.0 17,220.0 - 16,564.0 40.5 16,892.0 16,932.5
Dominguez Hills 275.0 14,635.0 - 13,236.0 137.5 13,935.5 14,073.0
East Bay 316.0 15,528.0 14,740.0 14,125.0 105.3 14,797.7 14,903.0
Fresno 263.0 24,136.0 - 22,417.0 131.5 23,276.5 23,408.0
Fullerton 332.0 38,948.0 - 38,414.0 166.0 38,681.0 38,847.0
Humboldt - 8,790.0 - 8,081.0 - 8,435.5 8,435.5
Long Beach 449.0 37,446.0 - 35,030.0 224.5 36,238.0 36,462.5
Los Angeles 1,184.0 27,681.0 25,560.0 24,052.0 394.7 25,764.3 26,159.0
Maritime Academy 680.0 1,075.0 - 1,015.0 340.0 1,045.0 1,385.0
Monterey Bay 19.0 7,102.0 - 6,929.0 9.5 7,015.5 7,025.0
Northridge 406.0 41,548.0 - 37,761.0 203.0 39,654.5 39,857.5
Pomona 52.0 23,717.0 22,301.0 21,235.0 17.3 22,417.7 22,435.0
Sacramento 120.0 30,284.0 - 28,160.0 60.0 29,222.0 29,282.0
San Bernardino 128.0 20,024.0 18,588.0 17,712.0 42.7 18,774.7 18,817.3
San Diego 6,664.0 34,254.0 - 31,299.0 3,332.0 32,776.5 36,108.5
San Francisco 5,718.0 30,256.0 - 28,279.0 2,859.0 29,267.5 32,126.5
San Jose 167.0 32,773.0 - 29,593.0 83.5 31,183.0 31,266.5
San Luis Obispo - 20,944.0 20,305.0 19,562.0 - 20,270.3 20,270.3
San Marcos - 12,793.0 - 11,704.0 - 12,248.5 12,248.5
Sonoma - 9,408.0 - 8,749.0 - 9,078.5 9,078.5
Stanislaus 49.0 9,282.0 - 8,770.0 24.5 9,026.0 9,050.5
Campus Total 19,104 473,239
110,283 437,229 8,917.8 454,939.5 463,857.3
Summer Arts 356.0 - - - 178.0 - 178.0
Intl Programs 230.0 487.0 - 454.0 115.0 470.5 585.5
CalStateTEACH 410.0 846.0 - 873.0 205.0 859.5 1,064.5
Grand Total 20,100 474,572 110,283 438,556 9,415.8 456,269.5 465,685.3

Table 3: Total Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Term, 2015-16 College Year

Campus Summer Fall Winter Spring Annualized
Summer Term
Bakersfield 971.4 8,936.5 8,294.8 7,977.5 323.8 8,402.9 8,726.7
Channel Islands 26.9 5,448.6 - 5,242.5 13.4 5,345.5 5,359.0
Chico 36.7 16,140.3 - 15,412.7 18.4 15,776.5 15,794.9
Dominguez Hills 231.5 11,325.2 - 10,398.0 115.7 10,861.6 10,977.3
East Bay 298.8 13,538.7 12,944.3 12,420.3 99.6 12,967.8 13,067.4
Fresno 154.0 21,051.8 - 19,664.1 77.0 20,357.9 20,434.9
Fullerton 149.9 31,405.2 - 30,632.2 75.0 31,018.7 31,093.7
Humboldt - 8,227.8 - 7,617.7 - 7,922.8 7,922.8
Long Beach 280.5 31,199.6 - 29,163.3 140.3 30,181.4 30,321.7
Los Angeles 718.4 23,252.8 22,319.5 21,116.1 239.5 22,229.5 22,469.0
Maritime Academy 336.4 1,173.1 - 1,122.2 168.2 1,147.7 1,315.9
Monterey Bay 12.5 6,731.5 - 6,530.7 6.3 6,631.1 6,637.4
Northridge 226.7 33,501.8 - 30,694.5 113.3 32,098.1 32,211.4
Pomona 33.4 20,702.4 19,760.6 18,728.3 11.1 19,730.4 19,741.6
Sacramento 68.0 25,173.2 - 23,316.6 34.0 24,244.9 24,278.9
San Bernardino 150.5 17,465.3 16,361.4 15,416.6 50.2 16,414.5 16,464.6
San Diego 2,582.4 30,764.7 - 27,996.6 1,291.2 29,380.7 30,671.9
San Francisco 2,284.7 24,850.0 - 23,639.3 1,142.3 24,244.7 25,387.0
San Jose 91.4 26,569.1 - 24,193.3 45.7 25,381.2 25,426.9
San Luis Obispo - 20,240.7 19,745.6 18,472.6 - 19,486.3 19,486.3
San Marcos - 10,708.9 - 9,759.6 - 10,234.2 10,234.2
Sonoma - 8,563.4 - 8,036.4 - 8,299.9 8,299.9
Stanislaus 20.6 7,776.5 - 7,377.8 10.3 7,577.2 7,587.4
Campus Total 8,674.7 404,747.1 99,426.2 374,928.7 3,975.2 389,935.3 393,910.6
Summer Arts 82.4 - - - 41.2 - 41.2
Intl Programs 60.7 418.5 - 409.1 30.3 413.8 444.1
CalStateTEACH 378.2 763.6 - 781.0 189.1 772.3 961.4
Grand Total 9,195.9 405,929.3 99,426.2 376,118.8 4,235.9 391,121.4 395,357.3

General College Year Summary Data

Table 6: Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2015-16 College Year

  Undergraduate Graduate/Postbaccalaureate  
Campus Lower
Subtotal Post-Bacc.
Graduate Subtotal Total
Bakersfield 3,471.3 4,886.0 8,357.3 252.0 223.0 723.3 1,198.3 9,555.7
Channel Islands 1,857.5 4,021.5 5,879.0 81.0 93.5 76.5 251.0 6,130.0
Chico 5,900.0 9,918.0 15,818.0 202.5 157.5 754.5 1,114.5 16,932.5
Dominguez Hills 3,060.5 8,829.5 11,890.0 99.5 634.5 1,449.0 2,183.0 14,073.0
East Bay 3,371.0 9,036.0 12,407.0 265.7 149.3 2,081.0 2,496.0 14,903.0
Fresno 8,071.0 12,564.5 20,635.5 509.5 92.0 2,171.0 2,772.5 23,408.0
Fullerton 9,712.5 23,276.0 32,988.5 671.0 253.0 4,934.5 5,858.5 38,847.0
Humboldt 2,741.5 5,166.5 7,908.0
97.5 56.5 373.5 527.5 8,435.5
Long Beach 9,359.0 21,771.0 31,130.0 552.5 645.5 4,134.5 5,332.5 36,462.5
Los Angeles 7,904.0 14,139.0 22,043.0 280.7 339.3 3,496.0 4,116.0 26,159.0
Maritime Academy 424.0 914.0 1,338.0 - 32.5 14.5 47.0 1,385.0
Monterey Bay 2,446.0 4,121.5 6,567.5 158.5 19.0 280.0 457.5 7,025.0
Northridge 12,096.5 23,172.0 35,268.5 549.0 543.5 3,496.5 4,589.0 39,857.5
Pomona 6,288.3 14,597.7 20,886.0 301.7 118.3 1,129.0 1,549.0 22,435.0
Sacramento 8,167.0 18,446.5 26,613.5 336.5 141.5 2,190.5 2,668.5 29,282.0
San Bernardino 6,387.7 10,228.0 16,615.7 314.3 117.3 1,770.0 2,201.7 18,817.3
San Diego 10,216.5 20,624.5 30,841.0 448.0 130.5 4,689.0 5,267.5 36,108.5
San Francisco 9,469.0 19,039.0 28,508.0 236.5 150.0 3,232.0 3,618.5 32,126.5
San Jose 7,983.5 17,526.0 25,509.5 437.0 60.5 5,259.5 5,757.0 31,266.5
San Luis Obispo 7,343.7 12,043.3 19,387.0 132.0 11.0 740.3 883.3 20,270.3
San Marcos 4,818.5 6,855.5 11,674.0 208.0 21.5 345.0 574.5 12,248.5
Sonoma 3,591.5 4,702.5 8,294.0 221.0 84.5 479.0 784.5 9,078.5
Stanislaus 2,807.5 5,089.0 7,896.5 297.0 121.0 736.0 1,154.0 9,050.5
Campus Total 137,488 270,967.5 408,455.5 6,651.3 4,195.3 44,555.2 55,401.8 463,857.3
Summer Arts 124.5 4.5 129.0 - 49.0 - 49.0 178.0
Intl Programs 62.5 523.0 585.5 - - - - 585.5
CalStateTEACH - - - 1,064.5 - - 1,064.5 1,064.5
Grand Total, Number 137,675 271,495 409,170 7,715.8 4,244.3 44,555.2 56,515.3 465,685.3
Grand Total, Percent 29.6% 58.3% 87.9% 1.7% 0.9% 9.6% 12.1% 100%

Table 7: Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, 2015-2016 College Year

  Undergraduate Graduate/Postbaccalaureate  
Campus Lower
Subtotal Post-Bacc.
Graduate Subtotal Total
Bakersfield 3,135.3 4,600.6 7,735.9 202.6 155.8 632.4 990.8 8,726.7
Channel Islands 1,752.8 3,418.1 5,170.9 86.2 60.7 41.2 188.1 5,359.0
Chico 5,614.3 9,187.4 14,801.7 269.6 115.0 608.5 993.2 15,794.9
Dominguez Hills
2,603.3 6,842.5 9,445.8 93.0 387.3 1,051.3 1,531.5 10,977.3
East Bay 3,119.7 7,841.4 10,961.0 286.4 101.5 1,718.4 2,106.3 13,067.4
Fresno 7,055.5 11,084.6 18,140.1 444.1 56.0 1,794.6 2,294.8 20,434.9
Fullerton 8,604.5 18,602.8 27,207.3 575.7 144.9 3,165.7 3,886.4 31,093.6
Humboldt 2,637.6 4,795.1 7,432.7 137.2 34.2 318.8 490.1 7,922.8
Long Beach 8,408.4 18,192.3 26,600.7 433.7 418.5 2,868.8 3,721.0 30,321.7
Los Angeles 6,990.9 12,298.1 19,288.9 194.6 225.9 2,759.4 3,180.0 22,469.0
Maritime Academy 436.0 843.4 1,279.3 - 29.3 7.3 36.6 1,315.9
Monterey Bay 2,393.8 3,884.7 6,278.5 149.4 10.2 199.3 358.9 6,637.4
Northridge 10,518.8 18,576.2 29,095.0 363.9 302.0 2,450.5 3,116.4 32,211.4
Pomona 5,761.3 12,961.3 18,722.7 218.8 67.5 732.6 1,018.9 19,741.6
Sacramento 7,166.1 15,047.7 22,213.8 367.0 97.2 1,600.9 2,065.1 24,278.9
San Bernardino 5,743.6 9,076.4 14,820.0 254.7 67.9 1,322.0 1,644.6 16,464.6
San Diego 9,414.2 17,332.6 26,746.8 511.0 77.0 3,337.0 3,925.1 30,671.9
San Francisco 7,810.1 14,972.0 22,782.2 205.9 108.1 2,290.8 2,604.8 25,387.0
San Jose 6,867.8 14,366.1 21,233.9 329.3 33.7 3,830.0 4,193.0 25,426.9
San Luis Obispo 7,170.6 11,464.6 18,635.2 142.8 5.2 703.1 851.1 19,486.3
San Marcos 4,080.5 5,665.5 9,746.0 254.3 12.6 221.3 488.2 10,234.2
Sonoma 3,365.4 4,302.5 7,667.9 232.5 51.8 347.7 632.0 8,299.9
Stanislaus 2,475.8 4,254.7 6,730.5 242.3 80.3 534.3 856.9 7,587.4
Campus Total 123,126.5 229,610.4 352,736.8 5,995.1 2,642.8 32,535.8 41,173.7 393,910.5
Summer Arts 28.6 1.0 29.7 - 11.5 - 11.5 41.2
Intl Programs 50.5 393.6 444.1 - - - - 444.1
CalStateTEACH - - - 961.4 - - 961.4 961.4
Grand Total, Number 123,205.6 230,005 353,210.6 6,956.5 2,654.3 32,535.8 42,146.6 395,357.3
Grand Total, Percent 31.2% 58.2% 89.3% 1.8% 0.7% 8.2% 10.7% 100%

Enrollment Planning Headcount and FTES Tables

Table 28: Regular and Limited Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, 2015-16 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 7,339.7 194.7 127.4 567.9 - - - - 8,402.9
Channel Islands 5,048.4 84.8 49.5
10.4 - - - - 5,345.5
Chico 14,640.7 265.9
102.0 504.5 - - - - 15,776.5
Dominguez Hills 8,908.2 89.2 315.7 705.0 - - - - 10,861.6
East Bay 10,777.1 216.5 89.6 1,587.4 - - - - 12,967.8
Fresno 17,780.7 414.9 50.3 1,494.7 - - - - 20,357.9
Fullerton 26,221.3 526.6 100.0 1,870.2 - - - - 31,018.7
Humboldt 7,379.5 136.8 28.6 281.9 - - - - 7,922.8
Long Beach 26,014.8 390.2 338.0 2,059.3 - - - - 30,181.4
Los Angeles 18,983.6 172.7 192.6 2,350.4 - - - - 22,229.5
Maritime Academy 1,121.7 - 24.1 - - - - - 1,147.6
Monterey Bay 6,223.6 142.3 7.0 159.8 - - - - 6,631.1
Northridge 28,255.4 292.0 194.7 1,727.8 - - - - 32,098.1
Pomona 18,532.6 211.4 58.3 590.8 - - - - 19,730.4
Sacramento 21,481.0 361.3 79.2 1,178.6 - - - - 24,244.9
San Bernardino 14,620.2 244.2 56.3 1,163.5 - - - - 16,414.5
San Diego 25,212.0 496.2 59.4 2,303.5 - - - - 29,380.7
San Francisco 21,153.6 184.0 94.0 1,709.3 - - - - 24,244.7
San Jose 20,584.3 284.2 27.3 3,090.8 - - - - 25,381.2
San Luis Obispo 18,580.4 142.3 3.5 669.5 - - - - 19,486.3
San Marcos 9,512.5 254.0 9.5 140.9 - - - - 10,234.2
Sonoma 7,610.3 229.0 43.2 273.0 - - - - 8,299.9
Stanislaus 6,559.1 230.0 67.2 399.0 - - - - 7,577.2
Campus Total 342,540.4 5,563.1 2,117.4 24,838.2 - - - - 389,935.3
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - 0.0
Intl Programs 394.2 - - - - - - - 413.8
CalStateTEACH - 769.6 - - - - - - 772.3
Grand Total 342,934.6 6,332.7 2,117.4 24,838.2 - - - - 391,121.4

Table 29: Regular and Limited Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) as a Percentage of Total FTES, by Student Level, 2015-16 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 87.347% 2.317% 1.516% 6.759% 1.305% 0.080% 0.198% 0.478% 100%
Channel Islands 94.440% 1.586% 0.926% 0.194% 2.098% 0.027% 0.152% 0.577% 100%
Chico 92.801% 1.685% 0.647% 3.198% 0.955% 0.021% 0.083% 0.611% 100%
Dominguez Hills 82.016% 0.821% 2.907% 6.491% 4.949% 0.034% 0.655% 2.128% 100%
East Bay 83.107% 1.670% 0.691% 12.241% 1.352% 0.006% 0.072% 0.861% 100%
Fresno 87.341% 2.038% 0.247% 7.342% 1.760% 0.078% 0.027% 1.168% 100%
Fullerton 84.534% 1.698% 0.322% 6.029% 3.179% 0.158% 0.145% 3.935% 100%
Humboldt 93.142% 1.726% 0.361% 3.558% 0.672% 0.005% 0.071% 0.465% 100%
Long Beach 86.195% 1.293%
1.120% 6.823% 1.761% 0.144% 0.234% 2.430% 100%
Los Angeles 85.398% 0.777% 0.866% 10.574% 1.087% 0.064% 0.119% 1.115% 100%
Maritime Academy 97.737% - 2.103% - 0.160% - - - 100%
Monterey Bay 93.854% 2.145% 0.106% 2.410% 0.828% 0.108% 0.048% 0.500% 100%
Northridge 88.028% 0.910% 0.606% 5.383% 2.558% 0.224% 0.198% 2.092% 100%
Pomona 93.929% 1.072% 0.296% 2.995% 0.963% 0.037% 0.046% 0.662% 100%
Sacramento 88.600% 1.490% 0.327% 4.861% 3.023% 0.023% 0.074% 1.602% 100%
San Bernardino 89.069% 1.487% 0.343% 7.088% 0.997% 0.064% 0.060% 0.892% 100%
San Diego 85.812% 1.689% 0.202% 7.840% 1.629% 0.028% 0.045% 2.755% 100%
San Francisco 87.251% 0.759% 0.388% 7.050% 2.596% 0.065% 0.045% 1.847% 100%
San Jose 81.101% 1.120% 0.108% 12.178% 2.559% 0.077% 0.025% 2.834% 100%
San Luis Obispo 95.351% 0.730% 0.018% 3.436% 0.281% 0.003% 0.009% 0.172% 100%
San Marcos 92.948% 2.482% 0.093% 1.377% 2.282% 0.003% 0.030% 0.786% 100%
Sonoma 91.692% 2.759% 0.521% 3.289% 0.694% 0.043% 0.103% 0.900% 100%
Stanislaus 86.565% 3.036% 0.887% 5.265% 2.262% 0.162% 0.173% 1.650% 100%
Campus Total 87.845% 1.427% 0.543% 6.370% 1.922% 0.077% 0.111% 1.705% 100%
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 95.263% - - - 4.737% - - - 100%
CalStateTEACH - 99.650% - - - 0.350% - - 100%
Grand Total 87.680% 1.619% 0.541% 6.350% 1.921% 0.078% 0.111% 1.699% 100%

Table 30.1: Regular and Limited Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2015-16 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 7,388.7 228.3 153.0 578.7 322.7 21.7 48.7 105.7 8,847.3
Channel Islands 5,528.0 76.5 60.0 12.5 321.0 4.5 25.5 64.0 6,092.0
Chico 15,331.5 192.5 115.5 523.5 461.0 9.0 42.0 217.0 16,892.0
Dominguez Hills 10,350.5 87.5 401.0 699.0 1,539.0
11.5 232.0 615.0 13,935.5
East Bay 11,776.7 195.3 110.0 1,736.7 622.7 2.7 36.0 317.7 14,797.7
Fresno 19,502.5 450.0 73.5 1,514.5 1,131.5 44.0 17.5 543.0 23,276.5
Fullerton 30,176.0 539.0 127.5 2,171.0 2,812.5 132.0 125.5 2,597.5 38,681.0
Humboldt 7,754.5 96.5 35.5 277.5 153.5 1.0 21.0 96.0 8,435.5
Long Beach 29,558.5 433.0 424.0 2,344.0 1,490.0 119.5 208.0 1,661.0 36,238.0
Los Angeles 21,100.0 214.7 242.7 2,538.0 800.7 52.0 83.0 733.3 25,764.3
Maritime Academy 1,015.0 - 22.5 - 7.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,045.0
Monterey Bay 6,374.5 135.5 7.0 192.0 193.0 23.0 12.0 78.5 7,015.5
Northridge 32,795.5 351.0 235.0 1,891.5 2,430.5 198.0 253.5 1,499.5 39,654.5
Pomona 20,224.0 274.3 90.3 695.7 662.0 27.3 28.0 416.0 22,417.7
Sacramento 24,516.0 321.5 91.0 1,215.5 2,097.5 15.0 50.5 915.0 29,222.0
San Bernardino 16,063.7 279.0 81.3 1,334.3 524.0 35.3 34.3 422.7 18,774.7
San Diego 26,604.0 406.0 76.5 2,386.5 1,463.5 23.0 40.5 1,776.5 32,776.5
San Francisco 23,883.0 173.5 100.5 1,899.0 2,088.0 47.0 38.0 1,038.5 29,267.5
San Jose 23,590.0 334.5 38.5 3,457.5 1,919.5 54.5 21.5 1,767.0 31,183.0
San Luis Obispo 19,210.7 130.3 4.0 644.7 176.3 1.7 7.0 95.7 20,270.3
San Marcos 10,970.0 207.0 11.5 167.0 704.0 1.0 10.0 178.0 12,248.5
Sonoma 8,083.5 210.5 58.5 303.5 210.5 10.5 26.0 175.5 9,078.5
Stanislaus 7,407.5 262.0 81.5 423.0 489.0 35.0 39.5 288.5 9,026.0
Campus Total 379,204.2 5,598.5 2,640.8 27,005.5 22,619.8 869.2 1,400 15,601.5 454,939.5
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 404.5 - - - 66.0 - - - 470.5
CalStateTEACH - 851.0 - - - 8.5 - - 859.5
Grand Total 379,608.7 6,449.5 2,640.8 27,005.5 22,685.8 877.7 1,400 15,601.5 456,269.5

Table 30.2: ALL Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2015-16 Academic Year

Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 208.3
3.3 4.0 31.3 111.3 1.3 7.0 11.0 377.7
Channel Islands - - - - 2.0 - 2.0 0.5 4.5
Chico 474.0 5.5 2.0
10.5 56.5 - 12.5 31.0 592.0
Dominguez Hills 124.5 - 4.5
7.5 34.5 0.5 2.5 20.0 194.0
East Bay 212.0 4.7 4.3 46.0 43.3 0.3 3.3 21.3 335.3
Fresno 540.0 15.0 - 24.0 324.5 0.5 1.5 30.0 935.5
Fullerton 622.0 8.5 3.5 35.5 47.0 3.0 5.0 92.5 817.0
Humboldt 285.0 2.5 4.5 17.5 14.0 - 17.0 25.0 365.5
Long Beach 459.0 5.5 9.0 60.5 28.0 3.0 18.5 118.0 701.5
Los Angeles 210.7 0.3 2.7 27.7
10.7 - 5.0 18.3 275.3
Maritime Academy 62.0 - - - - - - 0.0 62.0
Monterey Bay 191.5 2.5 0.5 10.0 6.0 1.0 7.0 5.0 223.5
Northridge 388.5 4.5 4.5 61.5 118.0 1.5 133.0 92.5 804.0
Pomona 370.3 4.3 1.3 24.3 80.7 0.7 3.3 19.7 504.7
Sacramento 974.0 4.0 2.0 28.5 209.0 0.5 6.5 40.5 1,265.0
San Bernardino 346.7 7.0 7.0 88.7 94.3 1.3 11.0 71.0 627.0
San Diego 1,461.5 12.0 4.0 122.5 64.0 0.5 9.5 213.0 1,887.0
San Francisco 360.0 - 1.0 22.0 638.5 - 2.0 48.5 1,072.0
San Jose 423.5 2.0 1.5 132.5
148.5 - 8.5 148.5 865.0
San Luis Obispo 465.0 3.3 1.3 37.0 15.7 0.7 5.7 9.3 538.0
San Marcos 862.0 6.0 1.0 6.5 43.0 - 2.5 17.5 938.5
Sonoma 230.5 2.5 1.5 34.0 80.5 - 4.5 20.0 373.5
Stanislaus 135.5 4.5 0.5 14.5 16.0 2.0 5.0 31.5 209.5
Campus Total 9,406.5 98 60.7 842.5 2,186 16.8 272.8 1,084.7 13,968.0
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 16.0 - - - 1.5 - - - 17.5
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total 9,422.5 98 60.7 842.5 2,187.5 16.8 272.8 1,084.7 13,985.5

Table 30.3: MANDATORY Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, 2015-16 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 135.0 1.0 1.3 2.7 1.7 - - - 141.7
Channel Islands - - - - 1.0 - - - 1.0
Chico 364.5 4.5 0.5 7.5 4.5
- - 0.5 382.0
Dominguez Hills 101.5 - 3.5 2.0 8.0 - 1.0 0.5 116.5
East Bay 161.7 3.3 1.7 10.7 5.0 0.3 0.3 - 183.0
Fresno 403.0 12.5 - 12.0 15.0 0.5 - 3.0 446.0
Fullerton 479.5 5.5 2.5 16.0 14.5 - 0.5 7.5 526.0
Humboldt 221.0 2.5 1.5 5.0 2.0 - 0.5 - 232.5
Long Beach 362.5 3.5 4.0 22.0 8.0 0.5 1.0 7.5 409.0
Los Angeles 178.0 0.3 1.0 7.3 2.7 - 0.3 2.3 192.0
Maritime Academy 59.5 - - - - - - - 59.5
Monterey Bay 172.5 1.5 0.5 2.5 2.0 - - - 179.0
Northridge 300.5 1.5 2.5 5.5 9.0 1.0 - 2.5 322.5
Pomona 279.7 1.0 - 7.3 5.3 0.3 2.0 0.3 296.0
Sacramento 654.0 2.5 1.5 16.5 47.5 0.5 0.5 8.5 731.5
San Bernardino 272.7 4.0 - 16.3 11.0 - - 7.3 311.3
San Diego 1,360.0 9.5 2.5 65.0 44.5 - - 20.5 1,502.0
San Francisco 294.0 - 1.0 8.0 9.5 - - 2.5 315.0
San Jose 348.0 - - 18.5 12.0 - - 7.5 386.0
San Luis Obispo 294.0 - - 4.3 1.7 0.3 - 0.7 301.0
San Marcos 815.0 5.5 0.5 4.0 29.5 - - 10.5 865.0
Sonoma 181.5 2.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 0.5 0.5 189.5
Stanislaus 104.5 1.5 0.5 7.0 6.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 126.5
Campus Total 7,542.5 62.2 25 242.7 242.8 5.5 7.7 86.2 8,214.5
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - 0.0
Intl Programs 13.5 - - - 1.5 - - - 15.0
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - 0.0
Grand Total 7,556 62.2 25 242.7 244.3 5.5 7.7 86.2 8,229.5

Table 31: Ratio of Regular and Limited Academic-Year Headcount Enrollment to Regular and Limited Academic-Year Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES), by Student Level, 2015-2016 Academic Year

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 1.007 1.173
1.201 1.019 2.942 3.218 2.920 2.633 1.053
Channel Islands 1.095 0.902 1.213 1.205 2.863 3.068 3.135 2.076 1.140
Chico 1.047 0.724 1.132 1.038 3.060 2.700 3.223 2.252 1.071
Dominguez Hills 1.162 0.981 1.270 0.991 2.863 3.136 3.261 2.661 1.283
East Bay 1.093 0.902 1.227 1.094 3.551 3.333 3.830 2.846 1.141
Fresno 1.097 1.085 1.461 1.013 3.159 2.767 3.201 2.284 1.143
Fullerton 1.151 1.023 1.275 1.161 2.852 2.688 2.793 2.128 1.247
Humboldt 1.051 0.705 1.243 0.984 2.884 2.727 3.750 2.603 1.065
Long Beach 1.136 1.110 1.255 1.138 2.803 2.745 2.943 2.264 1.201
Los Angeles 1.111 1.243 1.260 1.080 3.312 3.679 3.139 2.958 1.159
Maritime Academy 0.905 - 0.932 - 4.091 - - - 0.911
Monterey Bay 1.024 0.952 1.000 1.201 3.513 3.209 3.789 2.367 1.058
Northridge 1.161 1.202 1.207 1.095 2.960 2.755 3.980 2.233 1.235
Pomona 1.091 1.298 1.549 1.177 3.483 3.716 3.058 3.184 1.136
Sacramento 1.141 0.890 1.149 1.031 2.862 2.663 2.800 2.356 1.205
San Bernardino 1.099 1.143 1.445 1.147 3.203 3.354 3.503 2.887 1.144
San Diego 1.055 0.818 1.288 1.036 3.057 2.828 3.038 2.195 1.116
San Francisco 1.129 0.943 1.069 1.111 3.318 2.994 3.455 2.320 1.207
San Jose 1.146 1.177 1.409 1.119 2.955 2.800 3.431 2.457 1.229
San Luis Obispo 1.034 0.916 1.146 0.963 3.216 3.409 3.987 2.851 1.040
San Marcos 1.153 0.815 1.211 1.185 3.015 3.750 3.226 2.212 1.197
Sonoma 1.062 0.919 1.353 1.112 3.657 2.944 3.035 2.349 1.094
Stanislaus 1.129 1.139 1.213 1.060 2.853 2.846 3.008 2.308 1.191
Campus Total 1.107 1.006 1.247 1.087 3.018 2.883 3.237 2.347 1.167
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs 1.026 - - - 3.367 - - - 1.137
CalStateTEACH - 1.106 - - - 3.148 - - 1.113
Grand Total 1.107 1.018 1.247 1.087 3.019 2.885 3.237 2.347 1.167

Table 32 - Number: Regular and Limited Annualized Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level - Summer 2015

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 163.6 1.0 9.7 19.1 122.9 0.2 2.1 5.3 323.8
Channel Islands 5.6 - 2.1 - 4.8 - 0.9 - 13.4
Chico 4.5 - - 1.9 5.9
0.4 - 5.8 18.4
Dominguez Hills - - - 92.3 0.1 0.1 0.4 22.8 115.7
East Bay 8.4 68.3 2.2 17.0 0.2 0.8 0.3 2.4 99.6
Fresno 1.2 13.3 - 29.7 - - 0.3 32.5 77.0
Fullerton - - - 19.9 - - - 55.1 75.0
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 48.6 - 9.4 51.0 5.8 - 0.5 25.0 140.3
Los Angeles 40.2 5.8 4.4 133.2 23.4 2.0 2.5 27.9 239.5
Maritime Academy 132.0 - 4.7 - 23.8 - 0.5 7.3 168.2
Monterey Bay - - - 5.8 - - - 0.5 6.3
Northridge 7.8 - 41.4 6.3 10.6 - 2.2 45.0 113.3
Pomona - - - 11.1 - - - - 11.1
Sacramento - - - 19.8 - - - 14.3 34.0
San Bernardino 36.0 - 1.7 11.8 0.2 - 0.1 0.3 50.2
San Diego 421.2 4.3 - 87.8 634.9 2.4 4.3 136.3 1,291.2
San Francisco 344.6 - - 39.5 654.5 6.3 3.1 94.4 1,142.3
San Jose - 17.6 - 12.0 - 8.1 0.1 7.9 45.7
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 10.3 10.3
Campus Total 1,213.8 110.2 75.5 558 1,487.2 20.2 17.4 492.9 3,975.2
Summer Arts - - - - 29.7 - 11.5 - 41.2
Intl Programs - - - - 30.3 - - - 30.3
CalStateTEACH - 188.9 - - - 0.2 - - 189.1
Grand Total 1,213.8 299.1 75.5 558 1,547.2 20.4 28.9 492.9 4,235.9

Table 32 - Percent: Regular and Limited Annualized Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level - Summer 2015

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 50.526% -
- 5.885% 37.966% - 0.659% 1.621% 100%
Channel Islands 41.687% - - - 35.732% - 6.948% - 100%
Chico 24.330% - - 10.213% 31.956% - - 31.321% 100%
Dominguez Hills - - - 79.787% 0.086% - 0.346% 19.695% 100%
East Bay 8.478% - - 17.068% 0.201% - 0.335% 2.454% 100%
Fresno 1.559% - - 38.595% - - 0.346% 42.222% 100%
Fullerton - - - 26.515% - - - 73.485% 100%
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 34.648% - - 36.389% 4.135% - 0.356% 17.793% 100%
Los Angeles 16.786% - - 55.624% 9.790% - 1.049% 11.657% 100%
Maritime Academy 78.470% - - - 14.148% - 0.297% 4.310% 100%
Monterey Bay - - - 92.000% - - - 8.000% 100%
Northridge 6.912% - - 5.552% 9.354% - 1.941% 39.709% 100%
Pomona - - - 100.000% - - - - 100%
Sacramento - - - 58.088% - - - 41.912% 100%
San Bernardino 71.805% - - 23.422% 0.443% - 0.266% 0.609% 100%
San Diego 32.623% - - 6.799% 49.170% - 0.333% 10.559% 100%
San Francisco 30.169% - - 3.454% 57.298% - 0.268% 8.262% 100%
San Jose - - - 26.249% - - 0.219% 17.317% 100%
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 100.000% 100%
Campus Total 30.535% - - 14.038% 37.411% - 0.437% 12.400% 100%
Summer Arts - - - - 72.006% - 27.994% - 100%
Intl Programs - - - - 100.000% - - - 100%
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - 100%
Grand Total 28.656% - - 13.174% 36.526% - 0.683% 11.637% 100%

Table 33.1: Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment by Student Level Summer 2015

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 212.000 1.300 14.000 24.667 434.000 0.700 7.333 14.333 708.333
Channel Islands 12.000 - 4.500 - 18.000
- 3.500 - 38.000
Chico 7.000 - - 2.500 18.500 1.000 - 11.500 40.500
Dominguez Hills - - - 70.500 0.500 0.500 1.500 64.500 137.500
East Bay 7.000 64.700 2.000 19.667 0.667 3.000 1.333 7.000 105.333
Fresno 1.500 15.500 - 36.000 - - 1.000 77.500 131.500
Fullerton - - - 29.500 - - - 136.500 166.000
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 63.500 - 12.000 63.500 18.000 - 1.500 66.000 224.500
Los Angeles 55.000 7.700 6.000 141.333 87.333 6.300 7.667 83.333 394.667
Maritime Academy 234.500 - 8.500 - 81.000 - 1.500 14.500 340.000
Monterey Bay - - - 8.000 - - - 1.500 9.500
Northridge 14.500 - 49.000 9.000 28.000 - 6.000 96.500 203.000
Pomona - - - 17.333 - - - - 17.333
Sacramento - - - 31.500 - - - 28.500 60.000
San Bernardino 27.000 - 1.300 12.000 1.000 - 0.333 1.000 42.667
San Diego 657.500 6.500 - 100.000 2,116.000 12.500 13.500 426.000 3,332.000
San Francisco 539.500 - - 45.500 1,997.500 16.000 11.500 249.000 2,859.000
San Jose - 22.500 - 16.000 - 25.500 0.500 19.000 83.500
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 24.500 24.500
Campus Total 1,831.000 118.200 97.300 627.000 4,800.500 65.500 57.167 1,321.167 8,917.833
Summer Arts - - - - 129.000 - 49.000 - 178.000
Intl Programs - - - - 115.000 - - - 115.000
CalStateTEACH - 204.000 - - - 1.000 - - 205.000
Grand Total 1,831.000 322.200 97.300 627.000 5,044.500 66.500 106.167 1,321.167 9,415.833

Table 33.2: ALL Tuition Fee Waivers, Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment by Student Level Summer 2015

Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield - - - - 0.7 - - 0.3 1.0
Channel Islands - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
Chico - - - - 1.0 - - 0.0 1.0
Dominguez Hills - - - 1.5 - - - 1.5 3.0
East Bay - - - - - 0.3 - 0.3 0.7
Fresno - - - - - - - 1.0 1.0
Fullerton - - - 4.0 - - - 8.5 12.5
Humboldt - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
Long Beach 1.5 - - 1.5 - - - 8.0 11.0
Los Angeles - 0.3 - 2.3 0.3 - - 2.0 5.0
Maritime Academy 11.5 - - - 5.5 - - 0.5 17.5
Monterey Bay - - - 0.5 - - - 0.0 0.5
Northridge - - 1.0 1.0 0.5 - - 0.5 3.0
Pomona - - - 1.7 - - - 0.0 1.7
Sacramento - - - 1.0 - - - 2.5 3.5
San Bernardino 11.7 - 0.3 1.3 - - - 0.0 13.3
San Diego 59.0 - - 8.0 186.0 0.5 2.0 15.5 271.0
San Francisco 10.5 - - 3.0 44.5 - 0.5 11.0 69.5
San Jose - - - - - 1.0 - 0.0 1.0
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
San Marcos - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
Sonoma - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 2.0 2.0
Campus Total 94.2 0.3 1.3 25.8 238.5 1.8 2.5 53.7 418.2
Summer Arts - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
Intl Programs - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - 0.0 0.0
Grand Total 94.2 0.3 1.3 25.8 238.5 1.8 2.5 53.7 418.2

Table 33.3: MANDATORY Tuition Fee Waivers Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment by Student Level, Summer 2015

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield - - - - - - - - -
Channel Islands - - - - - - - - -
Chico - - - -
1.0 - - - 1.0
Dominguez Hills - - - 1.5 - - - 0.5 2.0
East Bay - - - - - 0.3 - 0.3 0.7
Fresno - - - - - - - - -
Fullerton - - - 0.5 - - - - 0.5
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 1.0 - - 1.0 - - - 0.5 2.5
Los Angeles - 0.3 - 0.7 0.3 - - 0.3 1.7
Maritime Academy 10.5 - - - 5.5 - - 0.5 16.5
Monterey Bay - - - - - - - - -
Northridge - - 0.5 - 0.5 - - 0.5 1.5
Pomona - - - - - - - - -
Sacramento - - - 1.0 - - - 1.5 2.5
San Bernardino - - - - - - - - -
San Diego 58.5 - - 4.0 170.0 0.5 2.0 7.5 242.5
San Francisco 9.5 - - 0.5 37.5 - 0.5 2.0 50.0
San Jose - - - - - - - - -
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - - -
Campus Total 79.5 0.3 0.5 9.2 214.8 0.8 2.5 13.7 321.3
Summer Arts - - - - - - - - -
Intl Programs - - - - - - - - -
CalStateTEACH - - - - - - - - -
Grand Total 79.5 0.3 0.5 9.2 214.8 0.8 2.5 13.7 321.3

Table 34: Ratio of Regular and Limited Annualized Headcount Enrollment to Regular and Limited Annualized Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) by Student Level, Summer 2015

  Regular Limited  
Campus Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Undergraduate Post-Bacc.
Graduate Total
Bakersfield 1.296 1.395 1.448 1.294 3.530 3.333 3.438 2.730 2.188
Channel Islands 2.143 - 2.143 - 3.750 - 3.750 - 2.829
Chico 1.567 - - 1.333 3.153 2.500 - 2.000 2.206
Dominguez Hills - - - 0.764 5.000
5.000 3.750 2.830 1.188
East Bay 0.829 0.947 0.928 1.157 3.333 3.971 4.000 2.864 1.058
Fresno 1.250 1.165 - 1.212 - - 3.750 2.385 1.708
Fullerton - - - 1.484 - - - 2.478 2.215
Humboldt - - - - - - - - -
Long Beach 1.307 - 1.281 1.244 3.103 - 3.000 2.644 1.601
Los Angeles 1.368 1.312 1.364 1.061 3.725 3.239 3.053 2.985 1.648
Maritime Academy 1.777 - 1.821 - 3.403 - 3.000 2.000 2.021
Monterey Bay - - - 1.391 - - - 3.000 1.520
Northridge 1.851 - 1.184 1.430 2.642 - 2.727 2.144 1.791
Pomona - - - 1.556 - - - - 1.556
Sacramento - - - 1.595 - - - 2.000 1.765
San Bernardino 0.750 - 0.769 1.021 4.500 - 2.500 3.273 0.850
San Diego 1.561 1.523 - 1.139 3.333 5.208 3.140 3.125 2.581
San Francisco 1.565 - - 1.153 3.052 2.553 3.750 2.638 2.503
San Jose - 1.278 - 1.333 - 3.148 5.000 2.400 1.826
San Luis Obispo - - - - - - - - -
San Marcos - - - - - - - - -
Sonoma - - - - - - - - -
Stanislaus - - - - - - - 2.381 2.381
Campus Total 1.508 1.072 1.289 1.124 3.228 3.246 3.290 2.680 2.243
Summer Arts - - - - 4.348 - 4.249 - 4.320
Intl Programs - - - - 3.791 - - - 3.791
CalStateTEACH - 1.080 - - - 5.000 - - 1.084
Grand Total 1.508 1.077 1.289 1.124 3.260 3.263 3.672 2.680 2.223