Chancellor's Office with the copy "Chancellor Statement" across the middle.
Press Release Chancellor

CSU Statement on Signing of Faculty and Staff Affordable Housing and Professional and Continuing Education Bills



Chancellor's Office with the copy "Chancellor Statement" across the middle.

Governor Gavin Newsom has signed into law two CSU-sponsored pieces of legislation, Assembly Bill 2005 regarding faculty and employee housing and Assemb​ly Bill 2395 regarding flexibility with professional and continuing education programs.

The following statement can be attributed to the California State University​​ Chancellor Mildred García:

"The California State University (CSU) thanks Governor Newsom for signing two CSU-sponsored bills into law that will have significant and longstanding positive impacts on our university system and the state of California. We also extend our appreciation and thanks to Assemblymembers Chris Ward and Sharon Quirk-Silva for their leadership and authoring the bills.

 AB 2005 (Ward) gives CSU campuses access to the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program to develop affordable housing on CSU-owned land for faculty and staff. AB 2005 will help address the state's housing crisis and meet a critical need for the CSU's valued faculty and staff, who d​edicate their careers to educating California's diverse future leaders and powering the state's workforce.

 AB 2395 (Quirk-Silva) gives our universities increased fiscal flexibility to develop and enhance academic programming and to expand access to meet the needs of our state's diverse student population and California's future workforce. The new law also supports and advances the CSU's work to increase educational opportunities for adult learners and working professionals across the state."

About the California State University

The California State University is the nation's largest four-year public university system, providing transformational opportunities for upward mobility to more than 450,000 students from all socioeconomic backgrounds. More than half of CSU students are from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds, and more than one-quarter of undergraduates are first-generation college students. Because the CSU's 23 universities provide a high-quality education at an incredible value, they are rated among the best in the nation for promoting social mobility in national college rankings from U.S. News & World Report, the Wall Street Journal and Washington Monthly. The CSU powers California and the nation, sending nearly 127,000 career-ready graduates into the workforce each year. In fact, one in every 20 Americans holding a college degree earned it at the CSU. Connect with and learn more about the CSU in the CSU newsroom.  
