

​Feedback on​​​​ ASCSU​ Resolution: Recommended Implementation of an Ethnic Studies System Requirement

At the ASCSU November 14-15, 2019 Plenary, our Academic Affairs (AA) Committee introduced in first reading AS-3403-19/AA Recommended Implementation of an Ethnic Studies System Requirement.  The resolution lays out learning outcomes and an implementation framework for a systemwide ethnic studies graduation requirement. You can find the resolution here.  ​​AA relied on feedback from campus senates and representatives from the CSU Council on Ethic Studies in developing the proposal.

Following our usual practice, Statewide Senators will take the resolution back to campuses so they can collect feedback from their senates and constituents.  The Academic Affairs Committee will consider that feedback as they finalize the resolution for a second reading at our January 23-24, 2020 Plenary. 

To continue to provide as much transparency in this process as possible, we are asking Statewide Senators to provide campus feedback to us in writing so we can post it to the public Dropbox for everyone's review.  Each campus response will have its own folder.  The deadline for feedback is January 15, 2020 so AA will have time to consider it as they update the resolution for a second reading prior to the January Plenary.

The feedback with “read only" access is posted here. Campus senate feedback on our initial request in AS-3397-19/AA is archived in a separate dropbox folder here.

​​We anticipate feedback will come in between now and January 15, so check back frequently to review new posts.​