Conference sponsorship is offered at four levels. All sponsors enjoy the following benefits and opportunities in addition to the specific benefits listed below under each sponsorship level. Benefits become available upon receipt of full sponsorship payment.
- Option for an Exhibitor booth at no additional cost based upon availability^
- Preconference listing on conference website
- Preconference electronic list of registered attendees
- One corporate promotional item in conference gift bag (excludes exhibitors)^^
- Access to all scheduled conference activities for registered complimentary attendees
- Option to purchase additional conference registrations at university rate based upon availability
- Recognition on sponsor video showcased at conference
- Listing in conference website, e-program and on-site signage
- Listing in game card for Exhibit Hall
- Opportunity to apply for a Industry Showcase (15-minute sponsor-CSU partnership presentation)
- Opportunity to host a hospitality suite or event at sponsor’s cost with listing in e-program^^^
^ If option for an exhibitor booth is accepted, the company is expected to occupy and staff the booth during exhibitor hours. Details regarding exhibitor booths are located on Information Exchange webpage.
^^ To support CSU’s sustainability goals, corporate promotional items should contain a high level of recycled content and be able to be recycled or composted at its end-of-use. In addition, although plastic is often a recyclable material, this conference will be located near the ocean and therefore we strongly discourage plastic being given away.
^^^ These events may not conflict with the conference scheduled program. Available timeslots: Sunday, 7:30 PM+; Monday, 8:30 PM+, Tuesday, 4:00 PM+
* Available only to first sponsor for noted level.
** One benefit per sponsor; dependent upon availability at time of signing.
Corporate partners may donate items for raffle drawings. The market value of these gifts shall be no greater than $50. Company recognition will be made at the time of the drawing.
These sponsorships are charitable gifts to the extent permitted by law. The fair market value of services received in consideration of the conference sponsorship is $375 for each conference registration and $180 for the exhibit booth.
If you would like to discuss additional opportunities to support the conference, please contact
Nancy Freelander-Paice at
[email protected] or (562) 951-4087.