The Land Development Review Committee (LDRC) provides advice and assistance to campuses and auxiliary organizations on Public-Private Partnership projects based upon the experience of other CSU campuses and auxiliary organizations and Chancellor’s Office staff. A concept review by the LDRC is a fundamental component of the Chancellor’s Office’s evaluation of a Public-Private Partnership project. To facilitate the LDRC’s review of such projects, periodic meetings are convened.
A. Submittals
The meeting and due dates for submission of materials by the campus or the auxiliary organization to CPDC are released in a memo from the Assistant Vice Chancellor of CPDC each fall. See below for a link to the most recent LDRC Meeting Dates Memo.
The following materials should be submitted by the campus or auxiliary organization at least two weeks prior to the LDRC meeting:
- Description of how the project will further the educational mission of the campus
- Site location
- Market Demand Study
- Feasibility study of the project, including the goal of the project and planned scope
- Projected financial plan and lease arrangements
- Analysis of the concept that compares self-funding the project using Systemwide Revenue Bonds (SRB) with privately arranged financing. For student housing projects, the public-private partnership project versus non-partnership analysis should include the difference in projected student rental rates between the partnership project and a CSU-implemented project, the difference in debt service payments, the difference in Net Operating Income (NOI), and cash flow after debt service over the term of the proposed agreement.
- Proposed competitive process for selection of the development team
- Microsoft Project schedule covering CSU approvals, planning, design, construction, and CEQA
- PowerPoint presentation that references all of the above