
Public-Private Partnership:

The Land Development Review Committee (LDRC) provides advice and assistance to campuses and auxiliary organizations on Public-Private Partnership projects based upon the experience of other CSU campuses and auxiliary organizations and Chancellor’s Office staff. A concept review by the LDRC is a fundamental component of the Chancellor’s Office’s evaluation of a Public-Private Partnership project. To facilitate the LDRC’s review of such projects, periodic meetings are ​convened.

A. Submittals​

The meeting and due dates for submission of materials by the campus or the auxiliary organization to CPDC are released in a memo from the Assistant Vice Chancellor of CPDC each fall. See below for a link to the most recent LDRC Meeting Dates Memo.

The following materials should be submitted by the campus or auxiliary organization at least two weeks prior to the LDRC meeting:

  • Descripti​on of how the project will further the educational mission of the campus
  • Site location
  • Market Demand Study
  • Feasibility study of the project, including the goal of the project and planned scope
  • Projected financial plan and lease arrangements
  • Analysis of the concept that compares self-funding the project using Systemwide Revenue Bonds (SRB) with privately arranged financing. For student housing projects, the public-private partnership project versus non-partnership analysis should include the difference in projected student rental rates between the partnership project and a CSU-implemented project, the difference in debt service payments, the difference in Net Operating Income (NOI), and cash flow after debt service over the term of the proposed agreement.
  • Proposed competitive process for selection of the development team
  • Microsoft Project schedule covering CSU approvals, planning, design, construction, and CEQA
  • PowerPoint presentation that references all of the above
